- Hands Like Houses No Parallels 歌词
- Hands Like Houses
- This is happiness, to be everything at once.
一直做最好的自己,是多么的快乐 Be unblinded, be unlearned 纵然尚无经验,一无所知 Be unbridled and unburned 我也无拘无束,勇往直前
一步一步地向前走去 Heavy on our heels 看着我们身后的道道艰险 The rocky ground we leave behind 身边的流苏迎风飘扬 Tassels streaming from our necks 我们在风中猛然惊醒 We cast a wake amidst the wind 我们是行走于路上的漫游者 We're the roamers to the road 上身赤裸,内心坚定 Barebacked, spirit and in mind 哦,这样是如此的自由 Oh, to be free like this 一直做最好的自己,是多么的快乐 This is happiness, to be everything at once 纵然尚无经验,一无所知 Be unblinded, be unlearned 我也无拘无束,勇往直前 Be unbridled and unburned 这是多么的快乐。我毫不畏惧,无拘无束 This is happiness. I'm fearless and I'm free 脚下踏着通衢大道和大千世界 With the open road and the world beneath my feet 嘴中含着锋利碎片
我们被各自的共同点所驱使 With splinters in our teeth 就算身处樊笼之中 We're driven from our parallels 也注定要走到众人倒下之处 Our path a prison 但我们在行进路上早已忘却 Bound to walk where countless feet already fell 内心中那难以压抑的狂野 But there's a wildness in our heart 这样是如此的自由 That we've forgotten in our march 一直做最好的自己,是多么的快乐 All to be free like this 纵然尚无经验,一无所知
我也无拘无束,勇往直前 This is happiness, to be everything at once 这是多么的快乐。我毫不畏惧,无拘无束 Be unblinded, be unlearned 脚下踏着通衢大道和大千世界 Be unbridled and unburned 我们被烙上了烙印 This is happiness. I'm fearless and I'm free 从降临世间的那一刻起,我们就身负重任 With the open road and the world beneath my feet 我们乐于其中,却从未满足 We're branded 我们蓄势待发 And we're burdened from the moment we are born 忘记你那堕落的双脚吧 We're domestic and we're discontent 昂首挺胸,勇往直前 And we're grinding our gums raw 丝毫不惧,只顾前行 Forget your feet and where they fall 只顾披荆斩棘,走属于自己的路 Lift your head, carry on 就算风险未知,尚无经验,也要肆意奔驰 No fear, just faith, no bit 往前冲吧,摆脱所有阻碍之物 Just break the path and let it lead you 一步一步地向前走去 Unknown, unblind, run free 看着我们身后的道道艰险 Run wild and leave behind what holds you down 一直做最好的自己,是多么的快乐
纵然尚无经验,一无所知 Heavy on our heels 我也无拘无束,勇往直前 The rocky ground we leave behind 这是多么的快乐。我毫不畏惧,无拘无束 This is happiness, to be everything at once 脚下踏着通衢大道和大千世界 Be unblinded, be unlearned 这样是如此的自由 Be unbridled and unburned This is happiness. I'm fearless and I'm free With the open road and the world beneath my feet All to be free like this