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Too Drunk To Drive【Luke Bryan】

Too Drunk To Drive 歌词 Luke Bryan
Luke Bryan Too Drunk To Drive 歌词
Luke Bryan
There ain't a liquor store, dive bar
周围二十里地 没有一间售酒店铺
Or corner booth for twenty miles around
也没有什么小酒馆 或是夜店之流
We ain't on a boat, on a lake
In the sun with the cooler loaded down
骄阳下头 冰桶里满载酒水
But suddenly, I'm feeling all impaired
但就这么一瞬间 我突然有些神志模糊
From the way you looked at me from over there
只因你就在我对面 向我投来这个眼神
Rolling like I'm stoned past gone, looking in your eyes
让我与你对视之时 如同醉得不省人事

Girl, I'm too, I'm too, I'm too drunk to drive
姑娘啊 我已经 已经 已经醉得无法开车前行
What do I do with you? Let's lay it low tonight
Got me high, got me right, got me flying
你甚是合我胃口 心情不禁窜上天际
'Cause you're looking so fine
只因你如此美艳 吸引着我全部注意
I ain't had no shot, ain't drank a drop
今晚我没喝一杯 可以说是滴酒未沾
But I'm too drunk to drive
可我已经因你沉醉 无法继续前方的路

You can hide my keys, lock the door
你可以藏起我的钥匙 锁上我的房门
Maybe we can find something here to do
也许咱俩在这儿 也能找些想做的事情
Maybe wreck some sheets, crash your lips
也许就是弄皱床单 我吸吮你的双唇
Into mine and not even make the news
和我融为一体 而没有必要大肆宣扬
These four walls are safer than them two lanes
四周的墙壁 比门外的双车道更为安全
You pour 'em tall when you start whispering my name
而你轻唤我的名字 更是让这份情愫得以蔓延
Ain't no blue light, line walking, happening tonight
不会有追逐我的警车 或是让我走直线的交警

Girl, I'm too, I'm too, I'm too drunk to drive
姑娘啊 我已经 已经 已经醉得无法开车前行
What do I do with you? Let's lay it low tonight
Got me high, got me right, got me flying
你甚是合我胃口 心情不禁窜上天际
'Cause you're looking so fine
只因你如此美艳 吸引着我全部注意
I ain't had no shot, ain't drank a drop
今晚我没喝一杯 可以说是滴酒未沾
But I'm too drunk to drive
可我已经因你沉醉 无法继续前方的路
Yeah, I'm too drunk to drive

Yeah girl, I'm too, I'm too, I'm too drunk to drive
姑娘啊 我已经 已经 已经醉得无法开车前行
What do I do with you? Let's lay it low tonight
Got me high, got me right, got me flying
你甚是合我胃口 心情不禁窜上天际
'Cause you're looking so fine
只因你如此美艳 吸引着我全部注意
I ain't had no shot, ain't drank a drop
今晚我没喝一杯 可以说是滴酒未沾
But I'm too drunk to drive
可我已经因你沉醉 无法继续前方的路

No, I ain't had a shot, ain't drank a drop
今晚我没喝一杯 可以说是滴酒未沾
But I'm too drunk to drive
可我已经因你沉醉 无法继续前方的路
I'm just too drunk to drive
I'm too drunk to drive
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm too drunk to drive
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