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I'll Get Around to It When and If I Can【Chad & Jeremy】

I'll Get Around to It When and If I Can 歌词 Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy I'll Get Around to It When and If I Can 歌词
Chad & Jeremy
She said I didn't care about the things that people say
That I would have to show everyone I was her man
Then so long, don't cry when I'm gone
"Cause I'll get around to it when and if I can
Why should I obey every wish she has each day?
So I'll just let her know this better stop or I will go
Then so long, don't cry when I'm gone
"Cause I'll get around to it when and if I can
Stay with me and let me see
If I can do a whole lot
To try to change your line of thought
Perhaps I will but maybe not
Well then so long, don't cry when I'm gone
"Cause I'll get around to it when and if I can
I'll get around to it when and if I can
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