- Volcano Choir Byegone 歌词
- Volcano Choir
- Day dead bye-gone
灰暗之日 Laying near the lights 躺在 Of the knights of the northern lodges 北境骑士的光辉下 There's a border road 这条边境之路 No one slip slides or stoppin' 从未有人滑倒或倒下 And the neighborly, sleeping in a coffin 故友在棺中长眠 With enough keif 荣耀伴身长存 You could really bore someone 你若确实使某人厌烦 Took a rat trap out to the Ache Inn 略施小计便可离开这痛苦之地 We were drinking all the ways to down 我们在前往城镇的路上痛饮 Door's wide open 你可随时加入 You know what were saying 'bout us now 如今你明白我们被称为什么
他是个传奇 He's a legend 我是个传奇 I'm a legend 我们一并游历时加入 And we both go tripping through the door 你明白如今我们仍追随北境 You know that we are northern now 我听到你在一夫一妻制的北境答应我 Heard you promise me at the north end of monogamy 从细线顶端剪下来 Cut there from filament lead 某地我听见你的嘶吼 Somewhere I heard you scream 而非为了我的心 For others' hearts 在灰暗的光芒下 And in the limiest of lights 揣住你永不会搭乘的前往古巴航班的机票 Hold the keys to a Cuban flight that you won't ever ride 是时候行动并且为此而死了 It's time to up and die 出发吧 Set sail 出发吧 Set sail 出发吧 Set sail 出发吧 Set sail 哦,像你这般精明的人 Oh, you plenty competent 为何如此自卑 So why aren't you confident 变得柔软并不难 It's softening to be softening 那么为何后来又如此顽固 Then why are you so constant then? 我们接下来乘船吗 Are we going on a coat ride? 嗯,显然它很困难 Well, were off and definitely stumbling 收起你的恭维吧 Tossin' off your compliments, wow 看看你的国会是否败絮其中 ***ing all your Parliaments