- lilspirit Serpent 歌词
- lilspirit
镜子上是她口红留下的唇印 Lipstick on the mirror when she's gone 为达目的她不择手段 Yeah, she'll do anything to get to where she wants 她是天使面孔魔鬼心肠的化身 She's a demon with the face of a diva 所以不要轻信她的花言巧语 So when she tells you she's in love, don't believe her 将毒液注入爱中 Poisoned into love 先用毒牙咬伤我的脖子再把我嚼碎 Bite my neck and chew me up 毒液与血液交融 Venom in my blood 你的爱让我窒息 I can't keep givin' you all my love 无人不知你如蛇一般恶毒虚伪 You're such a snake, everybody knows 你低头紧紧咬住绝不放松 You sink your face and never let go 你作茧自缚 You get your way 只因世人都曾说你完美无瑕 Just 'cause all the earth said you look perfect 但他们不知你如毒蛇一般狡诈残忍 They don't know that you're a serpent 轻解罗裳,你已沦陷 Takin' off her clothes and you like it 她能让你神魂颠倒 She has a special way to get too excited 让毒素在你的血液中蔓延,你无力招架 Let the toxins through your blood, you can't fight it 她的毒牙让你痛不欲生 She takes a bite that makes you wish you were die yeah 将毒液注入爱中 Poisoned into love 先用毒牙咬伤我的脖子再把我嚼碎 Bite my neck and chew me up 毒液与血液交融 Venom in my blood 你的爱让我窒息 I can't keep givin' you all my love 无人不知你如蛇一般恶毒虚伪 You're such a snake, everybody knows 你低头紧紧咬住绝不放松 You sink your face and never let go 你作茧自缚 You get your way 只因世人都曾说你完美无瑕 Just 'cause all the earth said you look perfect 但他们不知你如毒蛇一般狡诈残忍 They don't know that you're a serpent 无人不知你如蛇一般恶毒虚伪 You're such a snake, everybody knows 你低头紧紧咬住绝不放松 You sink your face and never let go 你作茧自缚 You get your way 只因世人都曾说你完美无瑕 Just 'cause all the earth said you look perfect 但他们不知你如毒蛇一般狡诈残忍 They don't know that you're a serpent They don't know, they don't know Yeah