- Tom Morello Stand Up 歌詞
- Tom Morello
- Stand up
站起身來 'Cause you are standing for nothing 你不代表著什麼 Just shut up 閉上你的嘴 'Cause your words mean nothing 你的話語毫無意義 Everyone is at each other's throats 所有人陷入唇槍舌戰之中 Everyone thinking that they know things 所有人都自覺了解一切 That they don't know 其實一無所知 Everyone painting the third coat 在信仰之牆 On the wall of belief 塗抹第三層外殼 Send me relief 賜我救濟 When I call the police 撥出報警電話 Will they just kill me? 他們是否會奪去我的性命 Will they just kill you? 是否會將你呼吸奪去 When I call the police 當我呼叫警察 Will they just protect me 它們是否能護我周全 'Cause I'm white skinned too? 因我也是白色皮膚 Every time you talk the system knows 他們知道你說的每一句話 Everywhere you walk the cameras go 攝像頭記錄著你的每次行踪 Everything I say you already know 你已清楚我所說的一切 Everything in state is about to blow 這裡的一切即將爆發 Way back before Jim Crow 回到吉姆克勞法之前 When I call the police 當我撥出電話呼救 Will they just kill me? 是否就是他們將我生命奪取 Will they just kill you? 再將你也帶離人間 When I call the police 當我呼叫警察 Will they just protect me 他們能否提供庇護 'Cause I'm white skinned too? 憑藉我的膚色 Stand up 起身抵抗吧 'Cause you are standing for nothing 你從不代表任何事 Just shut up 停止你的閒言碎語 'Cause your words mean nothing 你的話語毫無意義 Everybody stares like I'm just my gender 每個人的眼裡只剩性別 But I'm a living soul with my own agendo 但我是個活生生的靈魂 Tell me how you are 告訴我你的現狀 The priest and the prosecution 神父與檢舉 How you love a God who loves executions 你有多愛那位熱衷處決的神明 Corruption in the blue line ripples out 腐敗從其中蔓延滋長 Eruption in thestreets bring the few and proud 街頭的噴髮帶來了海軍陸戰隊驕傲的身影 Attention when the knees fall to the ground 雙膝跪地引來的注意力 Silently loud 一片死寂 When I call the police 當我呼叫警察 Will they just kill me? 他們是否會將我生命奪取 Will they just kill you? 他們是否將你帶離人間 When you call the police 當你撥響電話 Would they just protect you 他們是否會為你庇護 'Cause you're white skinned too ? 只因你也是白色皮膚 Every day that passes I'm angrier 每一天過去讓我更加憤怒 Every time the cops get a hall pass 每一次警官們拿到了通行證 Build another barrier 築起另一道障壁 Now it's stereotypical 現在都已司空見慣 No I'm not cynical political hypocritical 我並非憤世嫉俗的虛偽政治家 Corruption in the blue line ripples out 腐敗從其中蔓延滋長 Eruption in the streets bring the few and proud 爆發的滋長伴隨海軍陸戰隊的到來 Attention when the knees fall to the ground 雙膝跪地所吸引的目光 Silently loud 喧囂的寂靜 Stand up 反抗吧 'Cause you are standing for nothing 你並不代表什麼 Just shut up 閉上你的嘴 'Cause your words mean nothing 你的言語毫無參考價值 If you walked a mile in my shoes 如果你能站在我的立場 You'd probably take 'em off wouldn't you? 你說不定會將他們解放 If you had to live in my truth 假如你不得不生活在我的真理下 You'd probably tell a lie wouldn't you? 你也許也會扯謊 When I call the police 當我呼出電話 Will they just kill me? 我是否就會失去生命 Will they just kill you? 你是否會難以呼吸 Stand up 站出來吧 'Cause you stand for nothing 你不代表著什麼 Nothing 什麼也不是 You stand for nothing 你從未代表過什麼 Stand up 抵抗吧 'Cause you stand for nothing 你身後無人 Just shut up 閉上嘴巴 'Cause your words mean nothing 你說的話毫無意義 Stand up 站出來吧 'Causeyou stand for nothing 你有什麼能為之爭鬥 Just shut up 別再說了 ‘Cause your words mean nothing 你的言語皆為無稽之談