- This$oulisneverdiE Easy on me 歌詞
- This$oulisneverdiE
- 編曲: 無
你我間那情愫的河流中已再無金石般的存在 There aint no gold in this river 我總是想要就此脫身 That Ive been washing my hands in forever 我知曉這些水流卷攜著湧動的希望 I know there is hope in these waters 但我無法令自己安然暢遊其間 But I cant bring myself to swim 當我沉浸於那一片寂靜之中 When I am drowning in this silence 我的摯愛請敞開心扉將我接納 Baby, let me in 我的摯愛請用最後的寬容待我 Go easy on me, baby 我仍是那不諳世事的孩童 I was still a child 還未曾有機會去 Didnt get the chance to 體會身邊那廣闊的世界 Feel the world around me 也並無時日去選擇我曾經立下的志向 I had no time to choose what I chose to do 所以請用你最後的寬容待我 So go easy on me 已沒有餘地再去改變什麼 There ain't no room for things to change 當我們各自投身於自己的道路 When we are both so deeply stuck in our ways 你不可置否的是我也曾苦苦嘗試挽回 You cant deny how hard Ive tried 我曾為把你置於首位而改變了真實的自我 I changed who I was to put you both first 但此時此刻我不會再這樣下去 But now I give up 我的摯愛請用你最後的寬容待我 Go easy on me, baby 我仍是那不諳世事的孩童 I was still a child 還未曾有機會去 Didnt get the chance to 體會身邊那廣闊的世界 Feel the world around me 也並無時日去選擇我曾經立下的志向 I had no time to choose what I chose to do 所以請用你最後的寬容待我 So go easy on me 我的本意是對你我都好 I had good intentions 也怀揣著最美好的憧憬 And the highest hopes 但現在我已明晰 But I know right now 它們也許無法如願實現 It probably doesn't even show 我的摯愛請用你最後的寬容待我 Go easy on me, baby 我仍是那不諳世事的孩童 I was still a child 還未曾有機會去 I didnt get the chance to 體會身邊那廣闊的世界 Feel the world around me 也並無時日去選擇我曾經立下的志向 I had no time to choose what I chose to do 所以請用你最後的寬容待我 So go easy on me