- 達聞西樂隊 Ant's ok 歌詞
- 達聞西樂隊
- If I was hero I would save back to you
我要是純爺們儿的話根本不會見死不救 I'd never care and left you fight it alone 也不會讓你孤軍奮戰 Reality is full of controversy 現實總是充滿爭議 Why u so serious ,moreover, its so funny 幹嘛非較真兒,更何況 Free,for me is holly shit 那些免費玩意兒對我來說狗屎不如 All the people dazed in the tv 每個人都瞪著電視機 No I am sinking 我快掛了 Now what, how what, so what 怎樣,你想弄啥? ! Just tell me it's ok 湊合過吧 The Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很 This Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很 The Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很 If I was hero I would save back to you 我要是純爺們儿的話根本不會見死不救 I'd never care and left you fight it alone 也不會讓你孤軍奮戰 Reality is full of controversy 現實總是充滿爭議 Why u so serious ,moreover, its so funny 幹嘛非較真兒,更何況 Free,for me is holly shit 那些免費玩意兒對我來說狗屎不如 All the people dazed in the tv 每個人都瞪著電視機 No I am sinking 我快掛了 Now what, how what, so what 怎樣,你想弄啥? ! Just tell me it's ok 湊合過吧 The Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很 This Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很 The Ant is ok 螞蟻命大得很