- cigarette daydreams (live from guitar center) 歌詞 Cage the Elephant
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- Cage the Elephant cigarette daydreams (live from guitar center) 歌詞
- Cage the Elephant
- [offset:0]
你是否孤獨佇立於此 Did you stand there all alone Oh 我沒辦法解釋什麼正在消逝 Oh I cannot explain whats going down 我能夠看到現在某處地方 I can see you standing next to me 你正在我的身邊 In and out somewhere else right now 嘆息著望著別處 You sigh look away 這一切我都看得一清二楚 I can see it clear as day 在那張天真無邪的臉龐後面掩飾下 Close your eyes so afraid 害怕的閉上雙眼 Hide behind that baby face 你可以整晚不眠的前行 You can drive all night 磅礴雨夜中尋求答案 Looking for answers in the pouring rain 想要找到內心的平靜 You wanna find peace of mind 不知疲倦的撥雲見日 Looking for the answer 多麼有趣,一切像極了曾經 Funny how it seems like yesterday 當我不合時宜的想起了你 As I recall you were looking out of place 你拿起行李匆忙離去 Gathered up your things and slipped away 我倉促跟隨你進入大廳 No time at all I followed you into the hall 香煙白日夢 Cigarette daydream 你才17歲 You were only seventeen 用卑劣的樣子說出溫柔的話 Soft speak with a mean streak 這差點讓我無地自容 Nearly brought me to my knees 你能夠整夜瘋狂 You can drive all night 在大雨中追尋答案 Looking for the answers in the pouring rain 為了衝出心中的壁壘 You wanna find peace of mind 尋找那把鑰匙 Looking for the answer 為了一個做出改變的理由 If we could find a reason a reason to change 而尋找那個理由 Looking for the answer 為了留在彼此的身邊 If you can find a reason a reason to stay 在磅礴大雨中尋找藉口 Standing in the pouring rain 你可以不顧一切 You can drive all night 去面對風浪 Looking for the answers in the pouring rain 問心無愧 You wanna find peace of mind 自欺欺人 Looking for the answer 如果我們能找到做出改變的理由 If we could find a reason a reason to change 為了對方而改變的理由 Looking for the answer 如果我們能找到留在彼此身旁的藉口 If you can find a reason a reason to stay 淒風冷雨都不能阻擋 Standing in the pouring rain