- Astera柒七 STRAIGHT UP 歌詞
- Astera柒七
- Keeping real
imma straight up walk the talk They go back off homie let us make a boomtown cause I came for the queen's crown Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up 看他們都在秀著底線假裝夠體面地各抒己見 面前有許多未知危險但我飛行時乘著火箭 都說真金不怕火煉 現在我一手托天 打破常規思維邏輯偏見從不會空話連篇 他們好膚淺 瞬息萬變地敷衍 真真假假難辨怪我不懂人事變遷 回到半年多前我寫歌好生隨便 但現在我破繭成蝶再也不會頓足不前 Keeping real imma straight up walk the talk They go back off homie let us make a boomtown cause I came for the queen's crown Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up no pain no gain 從小就听過好幾回的老道理 straight up dont be fake 對你說出我本人的座右銘 想教你學會甘拜下風別繼續懵懵懂懂 人人都活在圍城之中像是掙脫不了平庸 都不是夢境看四周的人群行色匆匆 那之中大部分人都碌碌庸庸 不想著打破陳舊活在海市蜃樓之中 也曾感同身受不過最終南柯一夢依舊 Keeping real imma straight up walk the talk They go back off homie let us make a boomtown cause I came for the queen's crown Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up Queen's crown Queen's crown Straight up Straight up