- Iced Earth Waterloo 歌詞
- Iced Earth
- Usher in the rally cries
在復闢的呼喊中宣告 Revolution's here again 大革命捲土重來 The emperor's bonds are broken 皇帝逃出了流放之地 And free he shall remain 他已經重歸自由 Escape though narrow, was demand 應人民的要求渡海回國 While his reign remained in view 他的偉績仍歷歷在目 This fight for France, till bitter end 為保衛法國而戰,直到最後一息 He must see it through 他已經下定決心堅持到最後 Coalition forms of many lands 反法聯盟再次重建從東歐到西歐的許多國家 Against Napoleon, west to east 聯合起來向拿破崙宣戰 Dogs of war will take to arms 被他侵略過的人們將拿起武器 And soon will be unleashed 他們的力量很快就變得不可阻擋 Prussian, Russian and Austrian 普魯士,沙俄,奧地利 All follow British lead 都隨同大不列顛點燃戰火 At allies' helm is Wellington 聯軍的指揮官是威靈頓公爵 Who must make his Foe concede 他必將戰勝科西嘉的魔鬼 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be force to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 無數國家已經為推翻你而聯手 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治絕不可能長久 And you will see your hundred days come to an end 你只能眼睜睜地看著“百日王朝”覆滅 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be forced to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 無數國家已經為推翻你而聯手 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治絕不可能長久 It lies before you, fate shall befall you 你會見證你的王朝覆滅,這就是你的命運 Quickly, the allies gather force 很快,反法聯盟聚集軍隊 Near the Franco-Belgian line 駐紮在法國和比利時的邊界附近 While 124,000 French 十二萬四千法國軍隊 March there in double time 迅速趕來與聯軍對峙 As the battle begins 當戰鬥開始之時 Napoleon springs his audacious plan 拿破崙實施了他的大膽計劃 He'll attack them on two fronts 在兩處戰場向聯軍發起進攻 Splitting up his warring Band 分裂了他的軍團 As the Prussians sound retreat 普魯士人留下了一萬二千具屍體 Behind they leave 12,000 slain 在撤退的號角聲中倉皇逃竄 Most of their force is still in tact 但他們的大部分實力仍然保存完好 And will live to fight again 依舊可堪一戰 Wellington 威靈頓 Who felt the loss of 5,000 men 也失去了五千士兵 Would feel more under cannon fire bombardment from the French 絕大部分都倒在法軍的砲火下 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be force to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 整個歐洲聯合起來與你作戰 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治已經進入倒計時 And you will see your hundred days come to an end 見證你的“百日政權”走向末日 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be forced to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 整個歐洲聯合起來與你作戰 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治已經進入倒計時 It lies before you, fate shall befall you 你只能看著帝國崩塌,然後面對你的命運 Of all the wars I have waged 我所發動的所有戰爭 To propel my nations might 都是為了我的祖國 For this I'll be remembered 因此我將被後世銘記 From now 'till the end of time 直到世界末日 If to the victor go the spoils 如果我能夠贏下這一戰 I may die an impoverished man 我可能會死在潦倒落魄中 For in the end, irony 如果這就是我的末日諷刺的是 Has dealt the cruelest hand 我的命運將被最殘酷的敵人主宰 The French Force was swift and sure 法國軍隊的進攻穩健而迅捷 But their attack would be repelled 但聯軍擊退了他們 And though their center battered 儘管聯軍中部遭到重創 The Anglo-Dutch line would be held 英荷部隊仍然守住了戰線 As fate or skill would have it 在命運和戰鬥技巧的決戰中 An army moves in from the east 一支軍隊從東方進入戰場 The Prussians who slipped out of his hands 逃脫了法軍追擊的普魯士人 Would soon spell his defeat 很快使拿破崙吞下失敗的苦果 The French lines now are broken 法軍的防線已經被打破 And being open to attack 門戶大開 The Emperor has no choice 皇帝別無選擇 And the Old Guard pulls him back 只得在老近衛軍的掩護下倉皇逃竄 There were 45,000 wounded or dead 當戰役最終落下帷幕 When the fight was finally through 法軍損失了四萬五千人 On a three square mile battlefield 在這三平方英里的戰場上 At a town named Waterloo 在這座名叫滑鐵盧的小鎮 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be force to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 各國已經聯手將你推翻 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治已經走到盡頭 And you will see your hundred days come to an end 你就要見證百日政權的終結 Foreshadowed man of destiny 命運主宰者的命運已有預兆 Soon you will be forced to see 很快你就會被迫看到 Nations aligning against you 各國已經聯手將你推翻 Marking the time your reign is through 你的統治已經走到盡頭 It lies before you, fate shall befall you 你只能看著帝國崩塌,然後屈服於命運