- BarlowGirl song fort和broken 歌詞
- BarlowGirl
- I am the comfortable secure
我是令人寬慰的守衛 The definition of this western world 這西方世界的定義者 And I have perfected deceit 無懈可擊的偽裝高手 Even I believe I am above saving 甚至堅信我是那神邸救贖之外的人 I'll never let you see 你永遠無法知曉 I am the broken 我是何等支離破碎 I am the bruised 何等遍體鱗傷 I am the poor ones 傾其所有一無所擁 I have been used 精疲力竭純真不再 It takes me falling to the ground 承認對你的強烈渴望 To admit to fully needing you 只會令我如墜黑暗之境 Then when I'm breathing my last breath 當我生命垂危奄奄一息 Come and save me, I will cry to you 請拯救我於苦痛我會如是疾呼 Cause pride has not let me say 因為自尊羈絆我卻無法言說 I am the broken 我是如此支離破碎 I am the bruised 如此遍體鱗傷 I am the poor ones 傾其所有一無所擁 I have been used 精疲力竭純真不再 Why does it take so much to bring me to my knees 為什麼我死都不肯展現屈服 Why does it take so much pain for me to see 為什麼承受了諸多苦難我才清楚明了 If strength is only found when I am on my knees 假如唯有服輸之時我才能重新找迴力量 Why is it so hard to show that I am weak 那麼為什麼遲遲不肯坦誠軟弱之面 I am the broken 我是那樣支離破碎 I am the bruised 那樣遍體鱗傷 I am the poor ones 傾其所有一無所擁 I have been used 精疲力竭純真不再