- 東京事変 現実を嗤う(laugh at facts) 歌詞
- 東京事変
- you say those proverbs as if you had contrived them
諺語說得頭頭是道,好像是你創造它們的一樣 i know your arrogance, but do not point it out 我知你本自負,但卻從不點明 and you've not changed a bit in three long dismal years 多個漫長而陰沉的年月,你卻也不知改變 i think your flaw isn't so much your fault as a charm 你的迷人卻也可以掩蓋你的缺陷 maybe i will meet you one day, maybe Wednesday, maybe not... 我們也許會在某天相遇,也許星期三,也許不是... still, i'm sure to meet you anyway, 但是,我仍然確信會遇見你的 maybe Thursday, maybe not... 也許星期四,也許不是
我想成為你 i want to be you 如同一片樹葉 just like a leaf that has flown away 隨風雨起舞 with the wind and the rain 這“羅曼史”是如此值得回味,“如此真實” this 'romance' is so mellow, and 'so real' 如那已消亡的舊歌 just like a song that has died away 與夜中閃光 with a flash in the night 我願與你成為一體 i would like to be composed of you 你告訴我你那些故事,好像你從沒什麼人可欽佩
我唱著我的歌好似我出賣著我的身體 you tell your stories as if you had no respect for anyone 你於我休憩,擾亂我的安寧 i sing my songs as if I were a prostitute 我感覺好像緊貼著雲端 you take a snap at me, and stuff yourself on my welfare 我們也許會相擁慢吻,也許是激吻,也許不是... i feel like i am clinging to a cloud 但是,我仍然確信我們終會相吻 maybe I will kiss you slowly, maybe quickly, maybe not... 也許甜蜜,也許不是 still, i'm sure to kiss you anyway, 我想成為你 maybe sweetly, maybe not... 要我一個人獨自一生是如此艱難
在雷與震中 i want to be you 這“羅曼史”仿似錯誤,“如此超現實” it's hard to spend a lifetime for myself 我愛著你的遲鈍 with the quakes and the storm 就如山丘與天空 this 'romance' is an error, and 'surreal' 我想融入你 it's clear that i love your insensitiveness 想成為你 like the hills and the sky 如同一片樹葉 i would like to be merged into you 隨風雨起舞 i want to be you 這“羅曼史”是如此值得回味,“如此真實” just like a leaf that has flown away 如那已消亡的舊歌 with the wind and the rain 與夜中閃光 this 'romance' is so mellow, and 'so real' 我願與你成為一體 just like a song that has died away 想成為你 with a flash in the night 要我一個人獨自一生是如此艱難 i would like to be composed of you 在雷與震中 i want to be you 這“羅曼史”仿似錯誤,“如此超現實” it's hard to spend a lifetime for myself 我愛著你的遲鈍 with the quakes and the storm 就如山丘與天空 this 'romance' is an error, and 'surreal' 我想融入你 it's clear that i love your insensitiveness 想成為你 like the hills and the sky 如同一片樹葉 i would like to be merged into you 隨風雨起舞 i want to be you 這“羅曼史”是如此值得回味,“如此真實” just like a leaf that has flown away 如那已消亡的舊歌 with the wind and the rain 與夜中閃光 this 'romance' is so mellow, and 'so real' 我願成為我願成為..... just like a song that has died away with a flash in the night i would like to be would like to be