- Lost In The Moment 歌詞 NF Jonathan Thulin
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- Jonathan Thulin Lost In The Moment 歌詞
- NF Jonathan Thulin
- This may be the last sunset Ill see
這也許是映入眼中的最後一次落日 So Ill take it in, Ill take it in 所以我會望去,將它盡收在眼底 This may be the last air that Ill breathe 這也許是供我生存的最後一縷空氣 So Ill breathe it in, Ill breathe it in 所以我會呼吸,把它往肺腑帶進
我聽說照片不會有任何變遷 I heard that pictures dont change 只有照片裡的人會不斷改變 Just the people inside of em do 無論誰告訴你人生會一帆風順 Whoever told you that life would be easy 我保證說這話的人是在騙你 I promise that person was lyin to you 你感到堅持下去是天大的困難 You got a problem with followin through 正因這樣我也跟不上了你的腳步 Thats why I got a problem with followin you 你不斷怒視向我彷彿這情況前所未見 You keep lookin at me like this problem is new 但是這錯誤我們早就犯過,你還想怎麼辦? But weve been here before, what you tryin to do? 別對我說話的語氣像我不知道你在想些什麼 Dont talk to me like I dont know what you feeling 因為從一開始我就在這里和你共同進退 Cause I was there with you back in the beginning 別在我發言時挪開目光,讓我把話說完 Quit looking away when I talk, let me finish 我想態度誠懇些,你卻想把我遺忘,是麼 Im tryna be honest, youre tryna forget me, ugh 你到底是怎麼了? Whats wrong with you, hey? 我知道你還有不少的問題要面對 I know that you got a lot on your plate 你一直叫我別擋你的道讓我往邊上再退 You keep telling me I should get out of your way 可我卻看不見你怎樣當著我面一副虛偽 But I cant see how you gon lie to my face 別告訴我你沒事,因為我清楚你在故作安好 Dont tell me you fine cause I know that you not 所以別想固執下去 So dont even try it 我們這一生注定充滿痛苦,直至垂暮之時方才結束,終有天我們會在醒來的時候承認自己為這一生悔恨 And what we gon' live for in this life full of pain till were aging and one day well get up and say we regretted our lives 因為那就是我們的宿命 Cause thats where were going 別假裝得好像你沒發現半點端倪 And do not pretend like you dont even notice 可笑的是你其實早就明白這道理 The funny thing is that you already know it 我開始覺得你就和我想像的無異 Im starting to think that you like how I feel 任由自己迷失在那刻 So be lost in the moment 迷失,瞬間迷失了方向 Lost, lost in the moment 迷失於剎那間,此刻已然迷茫 Lost in the moment, lost in the moment 徬徨無依,瞬間迷失了方向 And get lost, lost in the moment 迷失於剎那間,此刻已然迷茫 Lost in the moment, lost in the moment 他們告訴我們光陰似箭,年輕的時候不知這句話何解
現在我感覺彷彿你我在不斷地奔跑想追回逝去的時間,還希望能割斷時間的雙翼 Yeah, they told us that time flies, didnt know what it means 但是這完全沒有可能 Now I feel like we just running around tryna catch it and hoping to cut off its wings 我們上一次擁有過快樂是什麼時候? But that aint gon happen 我根本不記得,因為我們只有節節退步 Joy, when was the last time we had it? 可當你活在過去式結果就只會這樣 I dont remember cause all that we do is go backwards 我知道我們呼吸尚存可卻無生機存在 But thats what you get when you live in the past tense 難道這真是我們想耗費生命的方式? And I know we breathing but we not alive 直到你坐擁了一切才能停下來 Really, is this the way we wanna die? 是不是非得要讓他們發現我們精神已崩壞 Till you got everything bottled inside 我知道你在想些什麼,所以別想著掩埋 If only they knew what goes on in our minds 為什麼你看向我的樣子像是意料之外? I know what you thinking so dont try to hide 要是你寫的歌詞真是在為自己表態 Why do you look at me like you surprised? 那為什麼你不改正,因為我感到愈發困倦無奈! If you really mean what you write in these lines 我再也承受不來 Then why dont you fix it, cause Im getting tired! 從你靜心沉迷於音樂那一刻起 Yeah, I can no longer do this 你找到了表達自身感受的方式 Ever since you fell in love with the music 然而在你放下麥克風的時候,你不知道你在做些什麼 You find a way to express what you feel 難道還不夠清楚嗎? But the moment that you get away from the mic, you dont know what you doing 我不知道你腦海裡到底怎麼了 Is it clear to you yet? 但是到了最後,你不得不對你自己說過的那些話負責 I dont know whats going on in your head 我猜到那時候,我們只剩迷失! But eventually, youll have to deal with the things that you talk about yeah 迷失,瞬間迷失了方向 But I guess until then, were lost! 迷失於剎那間,此刻已然迷茫 Lost, lost in the moment 徬徨無依,瞬間迷失了方向 Lost in the moment, lost in the moment 迷失於剎那間,此刻已然迷茫 And get lost, lost in the moment Lost in the moment, lost in the moment Yeah, oh, yeah, oh lost 這也許是映入眼中的最後一次落日 Oh, yeah, oh, no no 所以我會望去,將它盡收在眼底 This may be the last sunset Ill see 這也許是供我生存的最後一縷空氣 So Ill take it in, Ill take it in 所以我會呼吸,把它往肺腑帶進 This may be the last air that Ill breathe So Ill breathe it in, Ill breathe it in