- Sabaton Screaming Eagles 歌詞
- Sabaton
- Crack of the lightning splitting the ground
狂怒的閃電撕裂大地 Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding 電閃雷鳴,炮火來襲 Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne 納粹的怒火傾瀉在巴斯托涅 Facing their forces alone 他們孤軍奮戰 ALONE! 孤立無援! Sent from the skies jumped into the unknown 他們被送上天然後跳入未知的險境 The march to Berlin has begun 去柏林的長征開始了 Spearhead the charge surrounded by foes 帶領被圍困的軍隊突圍
空降師帶隊沖鋒 Eagles are leading the way 法蘭西依然在敵軍手裡 France is still under enemy rule 軸心國撤退了,推進! Push, axis retreat 賜予盤踞阿納姆的敵人更加苦澀的挫敗 Thrown towards Arnhem a bitter defeat 他們就在一橋之遠的地方拉開陣勢 They' re stretched out just one bridge to far 戰況卻如同轉潮,將士已經到了極限 Turn of the tide, it's breaking away 戰機已失,撤退 Losing momentum, retreat 退到巴斯托涅去,交通樞紐必須守住 Go to Bastogne, the crossroads must hold 站穩腳跟,我們將在嚴寒中死戰 Stand, alone in the cold 狂怒的閃電撕裂大地 Crack of the lightning splitting the ground 電閃雷鳴,炮火來襲 Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding 納粹的怒火傾瀉在巴斯托涅 Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne 他們孤軍奮戰 Facing their forces alone 孤立無援! 孤立無援!
為自己挖個散兵坑,為自己挖個墓穴 ALONE! x2 暴風雨就要來了 Dig your own foxholes or dig your own grave 圍城已至,已經無路可逃 The storm is about to begin 裝甲連隊在遠處浮現 The siege has begun, there's nowhere to run 坦克迫擊砲輪番轟炸 Panzerkampfwagen emerge 被戰爭機器與敵軍圍獵 Tanks and mortars are shaking the ground 狂怒的閃電撕裂大地 Prey of man and machine 電閃雷鳴,炮火來襲 Crack of the lightning splitting the ground 納粹的怒火傾瀉在巴斯托涅 Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding 他們孤軍奮戰 Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne 嚴冬的氣溫冰冷刺骨 Facing their forces alone 聖誕將至 Chill of the winter bite to the bone 士兵全身凍僵,傷亡不斷增加 and Christmas is drawing near 不少已經凍死在散兵坑里 Soldiers are freezing, the death toll increasing 不會投降也絕不撤退 They're dying in their holes 國防軍步步緊逼 There's no surrender there's no retreat, 沒有任何援軍,他們孤軍奮戰! the Wehrmacht is drawing near 從空中降下淪落到巴斯托涅 There's no reinforcements they're fighting all alone 是難是易他們都努力爭取 Sent from the skies ended up in Bastogne 納粹軍官提出投降條件 As Easy, as hard as they get 絕不接受! Nazi command request and demand 絕不! !將軍的吼聲迴盪於耳 Offered surrender � declined 絕不! !讓納粹都聽到這吼聲 Nuts! The generals word echo clear 狂怒的閃電撕裂大地
電閃雷鳴,炮火來襲 Nuts! The Nazi's shall hear 納粹的怒火傾瀉在巴斯托涅 Crack of the lightning splitting the ground 他們孤軍奮戰 Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding 狂怒的閃電撕裂大地 Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne 電閃雷鳴,炮火來襲 Facing their forces alone 納粹的怒火傾瀉在巴斯托涅 Crack of the lightning splitting the ground 他們孤軍奮戰 Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding Wrath of the Nazis cast on Bastogne Facing their forces alone