- RECHY PARK Empty 歌詞
- 編曲: YoungMarkin
後期: EmoBoi2HD 我不想在你身上感受到痛苦,這並不是說對不起可以解決的 I don't wanna feel pain on you, not what saying sorry can do* 2 等等,放手不用管我 Wait, so let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about when I had nothing with you 等等,放手不用管我 Wait, so let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about when I had nothing with you 解悶當我坐在窗邊 S**king a cigar當我深夜坐在窗邊 擁有再多都是空虛的感覺 擁有再多都是Empty的感覺 她不知道我和她只會見一面 因為我只是當時才會記得她的雙眼 Cause I 只是當時才會記得她的雙眼 小可愛在我的地盤 B**ch in my zone 她來了不想走 結束了一整晚的遊戲然後聽我說的悲傷 Finished f**k all night listening to my woes 總是很該死 Freaking freaking all the time 我希望我們可以再見面所以我沒有說再見 I hope we can meet again so I don't say goodbye 我不會再去想起那麼多 不在意到底是誰犯的錯 逃離平凡的生活 Escaping from the mundane life 拜託別讓我猜 你說的全是謊話 What you said were all lies 在花天酒地間 我會離開你不用遮掩 不需要你假惺惺可憐 我不再收斂 單身的每個夜 Single的每個夜 等等,放手不用管我 Wait, so let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about when I had nothing with you 等等,放手不用管我 Wait, so let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about when I had nothing with you 當我出現的時候他們都會問“他是誰” When I showed up they were like “Who is he” 我不需要你的愛我只想要很多的錢 I don't need your love just wanna a lot of money 我會買空我最喜歡的路易威登和古馳 I would buy out my favorite Louis and Gucci 穿一次如果它髒了的話我就丟掉 Wear it once and throw it away if it gets dirty 我承認被酒精麻痺 一周開五六天派對 一周開五六天party 看起來那麼的華麗 其實我一點也不幸運 其實我一點不lucky 身邊人都在裝其實我分不清到底誰真的在走心 我知道我現在只想在自己的世界把自己給囚禁 在我的團隊裡喝酒 Drinking in my crew 每晚都喝到吐 我知道你在說什麼我也知道你再也不是我的寶貝了 I know what you're talking about I know you're not my boo 一切都會好起來的 Everything will be all right 爛事情我都說會好起來的 Bad things我都說all right 我安慰自己會好起來的 我安慰自己會all right 其實你走後都不可能好起來了 其實你走後都不可能all right 我只想成為那個唯一 I just wanna be the one 但對你來說我們已經結束了 But to you we're already done 你帶走我的心只是為了好玩 You took my heart only for fun 是的寶貝我們已經結束了 Yeah shawty we're already done 最後你還是辜負了我 最後你還是betray me 胡編亂造那些回憶 為了去找你的前任假裝說你其實有多麼恨我 為了去找你的Ex假裝說你其實有多麼hate me 放手不用管我 So let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about when I had nothing with you 放手不用管我 So let go leave me alone 我可以看得出來你並不想解決 I can tell you don't really wanna solve 我身邊圍繞著喝威士忌喝醉了的好朋友 I'm surrounded by pretty girls drunk on whiskey 坐在庫里南裡想著曾經和你一無所有的時候 Sitting in Cullinan thinking about我很i had nothing with有<比如>