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BOWLES, P.: Picnic Cantata (A)POULENC, F.: Sonata for 2 Pianos (Davy, Flowers, Gaither, Wynder, Howard, Gold, Fizdale) (1954)

Martha Flowers/Arthur Gold/Robert Fizdale/Gloria Wynder 专辑 BOWLES, P.: Picnic Cantata (A)POULENC, F.: Sonata for 2 Pianos (Davy, Flowers, Gaither, Wynder, Howard, Gold, Fizdale) (1954)

【 BOWLES, P.: Picnic Cantata (A)POULENC, F.: Sonata for 2 Pianos (Davy, Flowers, Gaither, Wynder, Howard, Gold, Fizdale) (1954) 】【 】

1. A Picnic Cantata:II. In our search for order

2. A Picnic Cantata:VI. How quick we came from where we were

3. A Picnic Cantata:IV. The Sunday paper is full of news

4. A Picnic Cantata:I. I feel funny today

5. A Picnic Cantata:V. I never miss the garden section

6. A Picnic Cantata:III. In sun and shade