- 高姗 California Love 歌词
- 高姗
- Accidentally meet you there
在加州,我突然遇见了你 You sit in front of me and say “Hello” 你坐在我面前和我打招呼 I’m too shy to say a word 我娇羞地说不出一句话 But I wish time would not be so short 多么希望时间慢一些 I’ve been stuck in the dog days 我仿佛置身三伏天,气温不断上涨 Now I throw all my memories away 所有记忆被我抛之脑后 Smiling faces fresh my brain 只剩你的笑颜摇曳在我脑海 Oh would it be great 噢~这感觉 We sing through the night 我们唱歌到天明 We never go to bed 也不觉得困 All my dear friends 挚友们 Stand by my side 都陪在我身边 I think I’m fall in love 我想我是恋爱了 With San Francisco 在旧金山这座城市 With everybody in the roll 在所有人的见证之下 I think I’m fall in love 我想我坠入爱河了 Welcome he said 当他对我说 This is California 欢迎来到加州 We drive to the mountain top 我们开车去山顶 Boys and girls at nighttime 3 o’clock 在凌晨三点,不管男孩女孩 Drink a little, have a talk 一起小酌畅谈 Sir, please give me one more shot 嘿,能再给我满上一杯吗 We share secrets, share cigarettes 我们抽着香烟分享小秘密 And hold a battle to throw the little snipes 撩拨彼此的小情绪 You are just so near and so far 你就这样离我忽远忽近 Now I’m drowning in chemical flood 现在我已被爱情的荷尔蒙席卷 We dance through the night 我们跳舞到天明 We never go to bed 也不觉得困 All my dear friends 挚友们 Stand by my side 都陪在身边 I think I’m fall in love 我想我是恋爱了 With San Francisco 在旧金山这座城市 With everybody in the roll 在所有人的见证之下 I think I’m fall in love 我想我坠入爱河了 Welcome he said 当他对我说 This is California 欢迎来到加州 I think I’m fall in love 我想我是恋爱了 With San Francisco 在旧金山这座城市 With everybody in the roll 在所有人的见证之下 I think I’m fall in love 我想我坠入爱河了 Welcome he said 当他对我说 This is California 欢迎来到加州