- Madza We Are Wonders of Existence 歌词
- Madza
- There has to be faith
有一份信念 Which is not expressed 无可言状 In things to which you cling 所执着的每一件事 In ideas, opinions, to which you cling 每一个想法,每一种观点 In a kind of desperation 于每次身临深渊,所处绝境 Faith is the act of letting go 在那一刻,信念便如影随形,久久不散 And that must begin with letting go of God 在那一刻,横刀向天笑,风云出我辈 Man is a little germ 人类如此渺小,若尘埃,挥手倾洒 That lives on an unimportant rock ball 寄附在一个一颗无足轻重的滚石上 That revolves about an insignificant star 它围绕着一颗微不足道的无名之星左右徘徊 On the outer edges of one of the smaller galaxies 而它,存在于一座偏远星系的最外围 But on the other hand if you think about that for a minute 然则,当你回首细看,那人却道: I am absolutely amazed to discover myself on this rock ball... “我原来也是一粒微不足道的尘埃” But you can always wake up 看似庸碌无为 实则心怀远方