- 血肉果汁机 海盗 歌词
- 血肉果汁机
- 作词:童仲宇
作曲:王君晖 编曲:血肉果汁机
注意 我要听到你们大家yell yell 我有我的作法 我从其他海来 就看到现在的地球里面的资源还不错 找过千洋万海 没第二次 Pardon, What did you say 应该是okay Again again 我们并没有一个选项叫做no Damn right babe It Just like you said We are fucking pirate Oh right we are dragonrous Come on, kill it, listen to me This is the fucking way. 要什么就用抢的 我们没有再跟你讲好话 Warning invade, Invade, invade. Laser beam, dead. System that we hack. The global we've take, Totally, we took over it. Oh 我有跟人类合作 Oh 还有签一份合约 Oh 那内容说到地球的资源是人是人 Oh 我跟你们合作快乐 Oh 有打一份契约 Oh 你们全部都卖给我们了 在你们不知情的情况下 No one care where we from, It's just like a joke to you. we like it, We like it, We are dragonrous. Go go machines You're war machines Soldiers, listen up, we rob everything Oh yeah you're fucking pirate Keep it in mind, soldiers Be proud of dragonrous
Come on, kill it, listen to me This is the fucking way. 要什么就用抢的 我们没有再跟你讲好话 你们要的我们也都要 你们要的我们全都要 你们要的我们全都要 你们要的我们也都要 THIS is STAR WARS:Dragonrous We're we're pirate. We're we're pirate. We're we're pirate. We're we're pirate. Warning invade, Invade, invade. Laser beam, dead. System that we hack. Galaxy, invade. we will take over it.