- N.E.R.D. Life As A Fish 歌词
- N.E.R.D.
- First they say the angels sing' and then' the big bang
他们从天使的歌声谈到宇宙的起源 That was the first day' there's six more 从上帝创造天地谈到生命的由来
从有机生物谈到单细胞再到贝壳 From organisms to single cells' mutate' to shells 话题突变成了孢子
在干燥的土地上 then mutate into spores 那里哀嚎不断 尸横遍野
第七天他们静静的看着人类 On dry land dry land 是这些使人类成为人 Where the living scream die man die man 他们可以坦然的说他们毫不知情
纷争结束后世上便没有了黄昏也没有了黎明 By the seventh day' he rested as he looked at them 他们永远不会被浪花冲上陆地 可为什么呢?
谁在乎前面躺着的是谁的尸首 Those made' those' men 在干燥的土地上
那里哀嚎不断 尸横遍野 Guess it's safe to say that they don't know 他们自相残杀 难道残酷的历史将要重演 Since they not alone' and there's no dusk or dawn 他们尖叫着游走
如果政府大楼把它脚下的鱼塘移走 As they never washed ashore' but of course' what for? 那该多美好啊
你该听听海洋保护者的话别充耳不闻 Who cares what lies beyond 不要再向海里扔那些垃圾了
就把它留在那干燥的土地上吧 On dry land dry land 那里哀嚎不断 尸横遍野 Where the living scream die man die man 人们创造了世界但也可以毁了它 They see our bones' and say oh no not them again 人们从没有吸取教训 And scream swim' just' swim 我们没有丝毫改变不是吗?
So while the federal buildings blow' below' fish glow
How lovely that must be
You shoulda listened to Jacques Costeau' don't say' you don't Stop sending your trash to sea Leave it on the dry land dry land Where the living scream die man die man
He made this world' took it and gave it back again And we learned' no-thing
Nothing' we' we learned nothing right?