- HTSEVEN I am Chinese 歌词
- I am Chinese Chinese
yellow skin Chinese I am Chinese Chinese This dragon Chinese We don’t give . We from China you should know that bro We from China Red with yellow stars We from China Rising rising up We from China
I from China. 我是一个 Chinese man I from China 全身戴满Bling golden chain 春夏秋冬四季在渐变 你跟我的距离变得越来越远 一直在向前 nobody nobody can stop What is 顶 Seven tell you What is 硬 Seven tell you 想要的慢慢拥有! 呀 最爱的还是红酒!呀 相信我未来 一定会红透 成就要超过那王将和诸侯 Chinese spirit 永垂不朽 打破这规则 像龙争虎斗 跟着拍子继续在这Show 所有人都喜欢说Im so dope
明年跟我兄弟上个节目镶金 从头到脚穿搭一点都不便宜 他们都不相信 I am 超有自信 就像荆轲刺秦 I am 瞬间让你自尽 只能怪你自己学艺 一点不精 最后 沦落 到那 房租没有付清 走投无路 最后没有办法 找到 父亲 指责 怪他生来没有给你 镀金
I am Chinese Chinese yellow skin Chinese I am Chinese Chinese This dragon Chinese We don’t give . We from China you should know that bro We from China Red with yellow stars We from China Rising rising up We from China
I am Chinese Chinese yellow skin Chinese I am Chinese Chinese This dragon Chinese We don’t give . We from China you should know that bro We from China Red with yellow stars We from China