- De敌意 Oversize 歌词
- De敌意
- Alright×3 De in the house
And I got just something to say
I don't give a damn about the ******* Baburry I don't give a damn about the ******* Givenchy I don't give a damn about the ******* Superme Yeah 穿起回力Bad *****说DE我爱你 I don't give a damn about the ******* Baburry I don't give a damn about the ******* Givenchy I don't give a damn about the ******* Superme Yeah 穿起回力Bad *****说DE我爱你 Verse 1 我不是gai娃儿包包头也莫得好多钱 爱穿大码因为我在城北混了好多年 感jio自己好*******社会哥都追到老子撵 逮到按到被人放倒朋友莫打老子脸 靠嘴吃饭靠帅挣钱所以偶尔要遭铲 没心没肺长命百岁死到临头不得扳 游手好闲混迹酒吧家头没钱我不敢 早起晚睡hustle hard才终于挣了几百万 警察朋友嫉恶如仇想送hommie进棺材 千方百计伪造证据可惜老子是天才 走投无路灵感爆发逮到你娃憋憋挨 干掉挡我路的chigga Oh well I don't give a ******* Hook 2 I don't give a damn about the ******* Versace I don't give a damn about the ******* Hermes I don't give a damn about the ******* LV Yeah 穿起回力Bad *****说DE我爱你 I don't give a damn about the ******* Versace I don't give a damn about the ******* Hermes I don't give a damn about the ******* LV Yeah 穿起回力Bad *****说DE我爱你 Verse 2 哪个崩批崩咔日天日地日妈吊起砍 有钱有势横起过gai哦豁jio杆遭打断 用爹娘的靠父母的觉得自己要不完 来自中东开起跑车老子不敢和你玩 脑壳木到撞车哦豁洗白送到二医院 勾心斗角六亲不认有话该找哪个谈 人要活得真诚这种道理谁会跟你念 管你白的黑的刀架脖子哪个儿要孽 洗心革面好自为之各位江湖再相见 不要丢了尊严丢人现眼丢你妈的脸 学哈人家DE吊儿郎当裤jio不要卷 衣服拖到**脑壳埋低丢掉存在感 Chigga爱穿Oversize这才是real China Gang 大道理讲翻了其实我们都想赚点钱 揣起money天王老子阎王爷都不能管 Drinking while racing 我开的是宾利 把生命和情感全部都放弃 横起漂移让这条道路堵起 边喝酒边纹身该耍的都耍起 把他们的嘴巴都封上莫抗拒 任何人都莫来跟老子讲道理 批话多了可能掏出枪就shoot你 打爆你
小屁娃儿些表现好些不要作孽 整到你娃架势喊哥真的造孽 道理讲了各人理解看你造诣 要讲狠话要耍横看各人实力 莫得勇气就放低you stay low key Keep your head down you don't ******* with me 批抓挨打活该背时各人躺起 哪个要陪医药费你爷叫DE