- Deerhunter Snakeskin 歌词
- Deerhunter
- I was born already nailed to the cross
我出生时就已经钉在十字架上 I was born with a feeling, I was lost 我出生时就有着我已经迷失的感觉 I was born with the ability to talk 我出生时我就会说话 I was born with a snakelike walk 我出生时我就会像蛇那样说话
我在城市的外衣上跳舞 I was tripping now on a city cloak 在太阳的笼罩下他们分开 They were separated then with sunlight shrouds 我出生时有个跛子在我背上 I was born with a crippled man on my back 我是个白痴,是个地域黑 I was natural, I was geographic black 我梦到一个在霓虹灯下的人
我梦到一个有心脏病的人 I was dreaming of a man with a neon back 我丢了所有粉色的弹珠和粉色笼子 I was dreaming of a man with a heart attack 我试图找一个连接好的电缆 I lost my marbles all over the pink, pink cage 因为孤独和年龄我迷失在那个家里 I tried to find a cable that was engaged 我哭泣哽咽,我因病瘦骨嶙峋 I was lost in that home for the aged and lonely 我觉得有些不吉利,我觉得有些孤独 I cried and I choked, I was sick and I was boney 时间会抹去一切,是的,但我但是那么平凡 I was feeling kinda ill, I was feeling kinda lonely And time was erased, yes, but I was so homely