- Yelawolf Shadows 歌词
- Yelawolf
- Memories of shadows haunt me
回忆的阴霾萦绕着我 From the years when I was young 从年少的岁月 Things that used to terrify me 一切都曾让我畏惧 Are the things, that I've become 正是那些事,让我变了 There's a dark moon in the clouds 那夜月黑风高 Misty fog in the swamp 浓雾笼罩着沼泽 Crickets chirpin' outside my window 蟋蟀在窗外鸣唱 The water it thumps in the bathroom sink down the hall 浴室溢出的水浸满厅堂 The lights flicker sometimes 灯光若隐若现 The wind is howling, the dogs are growling way deep in the pines 阴风怒号,狗在松林里狂吠 A passin' car on the distant road, the only thing running 在遥远的路上,穿梭而过的车成了唯一的过客 Nightmares in my sleep, the Sandman is coming 夜深噩梦,睡魔侵扰 I see the ghost in the red cloak, the shadows are taking shape 我看见红斗篷里的妖魔,阴影吞噬一切 The sound of a faint voice, lost and full of hate 微弱的声音,迷失而充满恨意 Dry leaves crumble under the feet of the reaper 收割者脚下的枯叶散成碎屑 The limbs tap on my window, like the nails of a creature 脚爪轻拍我的窗户,像某种生物的指甲 Tales of goblins and fairies, a sacrifice on the prairie 葬身在草原上的妖精与仙女的故事 A murderer that escaped, I'm disillusioned and weary 凶手逃匿,我大失所望却筋疲力尽 Lightning strikes on the hill, illuminating the cabin 山顶电闪雷鸣,照亮小屋 The old man on the porch, evil and quietly laughing 老人在走廊邪恶鬼魅地笑 Surrounded by demons 被恶魔缠身 I'm an angel and they all want me 我是天使他们穷追不舍 And to this day ... 直到这一天
回忆的阴霾萦绕着我 Memories of shadows haunt me 从年少的岁月 From the years when I was young 一切都曾让我畏惧 Things that used to terrify me 那些事,让我变了 Are the things, that I've become 烟蒂和油迹丢在枯草上 Cigarette buds, and oil stains on the dying grass 酒味,从破碎的玻璃中升起 The smell of the liquor, rising up from the broken glass 成堆的黑色皮革,来自引擎的热度 The crowds of black leather, the heat from the engines 摩托车和暴徒,有胡子的男人和喧哗的妇女 Motorcycles and goons, bearded men and loud women 起皮的油漆,摇曳的烛火与老屋 The cracklin' paint, the old shack with the swingin' light 映入眼帘的是海洛因针具来回传递 The heroin needles passin', open in plain sight 奥兹与黑色安息日,黑胶唱片跳跃不止 Ozzy and Black Sabbath, the vinyl is skippin' 从厨房的争吵 From the fight in the kitchen 拳打脚踢,血液横流 Blood screamin' and kickin' 垃圾堆上的汽油,烟雾弥漫整个天空 Smoke fills up the sky, gasoline on the trash heap 床垫在燃烧,我听到爆裂的声音 The mattress is burnin', I hear it poppin' and snapping 雨水浸湿了泰迪熊,重的我举不起来 The rain soaked teddy bear, so heavy I can't lift it 对月独酌,我看着他们小口抿酒 The flask for the moonshine, I watch as they all sip it 万圣节南瓜蜡烛,点燃一颗五芒星 The Halloween pumpkin candle, lit with a Pentagram 有着破旧的分针的落地大钟 The Grandfather clock, with a broken minute hand 被小偷、 杀人犯、 暴徒和一些瘾君子包围 Surrounded by thieves, killers, thugs and some junkies 直到这一天 And to this day ... 回忆的阴霾萦绕着我 Memories of shadows haunt me 从年少的岁月 From the years when I was young 一切都曾让我畏惧 Things that used to terrify me 正是那些事,让我变了 Are the things, that I've become 我穿上满是飞车党补丁的皮夹克
其中一个说野蛮人,另一个说黑色安息日 I throw on my leather jacket, a collection of biker patches 重重地刺下,几乎没有皮肤完好 One of them says savage, the other one Black Sabbath 十二岁后沉迷威士忌,我总是以命相搏 Heavily tatted, barely any skin left 在我院子里的子弹壳,在架子上膛的手枪 Whiskey bent after twelve, I'm always playing with death 像狼一样奔跑,贯穿整个圣经带 Bullet shells in my yard, loaded gun on the shelf 蛇皮靴子,踏上直升机 Run the roads like a wolf, through the whole Bible Belt 五十辆哈雷在我身后,他们都急于屠宰 Rattlesnake skin boots, toes up on the chopper 在我的儿子,女儿面前喝醉了 Fifty Harleys behind me, they all ready to slaughter 呕吐, 咒骂,大喊,就像一个片面的时刻 Drunk in front of my sons, drunk in front of my daughter 我只有抬起头了,无论你选择走哪条路 Spit, cuss, and I yell, it's like a one-sided quarter 此生我没有刹车灯,我要么有钱要么被驱逐 'Cause I'm only heads up, no matter which way you flip it 致力于自己的信念,犯下的罪行与半途而废的人 No brake lights in my life, I'm either rich or evicted 联系到我的宗教,宗教的罪人 Committed to my convictions, committed crimes with the quitters 祈祷上苍,远离冰毒烟雾 Connected to my religion, the religion of sinners, 像水坑反映着潺潺的乐章,回响到接下来的生活 Send a prayer to God, exhaling smoke off the meth pipe 所以在站在这里,就像火焰的余烬 Like puddles reflecting the ripples echo to next life 一颗种子种下,生出不知名的有毒的花 So here I am standing just like the ashes that fell from the fire 成为我的梦魇,但现在如此迷人 A seed that fell off that poisonous and forgotten flower 特别是在 Became my own nightmare, but now I think it's charming 回忆的阴霾萦绕着我 Especially when ... 从年少的岁月
一切都曾让我畏惧 Memories of shadows haunt me 正是那些事,让我变了 From the years when I was young 你将看到鲜血淋漓 Things that used to terrify me 你将看到鲜血淋漓 Are the things, that I've become 你将看到鲜血淋漓 Bloody bone gon' get you 你将看到鲜血淋漓 Bloody bone gon' get you Bloody bone gon' get you Bloody bone gon' get you