- The Weepies Mend 歌词
- The Weepies
- This is how I spent my youth
小时候,我总是 Staring at the ground 入迷看着,脚下土地 And sometimes up at the sky 纽英仑的树,高大伟岸 Through feigned New England trees 穿过树叶,望向天空 That seemed as grand as these 洒下朦胧似梦的光 Wide-eyed wide eyes 好像一双明亮的眼 This is where my heart begins 这里,便是我心开启...
远处山脉 Western sun has all but gone 太阳西下 Down behind the mountain 漫步家乡小镇 In our town we walk around 夜已至,那么静 So quiet I can hear 说话声沉入空气 Our words etched in the air 街道干净没人,你我渐渐无言 Clean lines will clean lines 然后便是我心被治愈 This is where my heart begins to mend 塞翁失马
焉知非福 Some things lost 匆匆如你 Some things gained 为一个个重要决定 Each time you go 奔波着改变自己 Each time you change 圣主蒙恩,婴孩哭涕 It has to be a choice you make 借风之势,凌空之翼
琴声涓涓,儿歌绵绵 A baby cries a cardinal call 一个如春般的小男孩 Wings upon the air 一直留恋的 Piano rill, a childhood song 永驻心间的 A boy as young as spring 仍然是我... Ever lingering 仍然是我心之所在
是开放我心的... Still I'm 是我心中敞开的治愈之门! Still mine This is where my heart begins This is where my heart begins This is where my heart begins to mend.