- 米莎 若此身为树 歌词
- 米莎
- 作词:米莎
华语: 若此身为树 便以浓密绿荫 呵护鸟儿 若此身是鸟儿 就奋力振翼 妆点天空 若身为天空 便以无尽的蓝 辉映河流 若身为河流 就静静流淌 滋润绿树
若生为眼 就去探求真实 若生为耳 就要聆听绝唱 若生为脚 那就前往远方 若生为双臂 那就拥抱吧 拥抱吧
若生而为人呢 若生而为人呢
英语: If I were a tree, I would shelter birds in my canopy If I were a bird, I would paint the sky with my wings If I were the sky, I would share my blue with the rivers If I were a river, I would quench the trees with my water
If I were born as eyes, I would seek the truth If I were born as ears, I would listen to songs moribund If I were born as feet, I would travel great distances If I were born as arms, I would embrace, embrace
What if I were born as man What if I were born as man
日语: この身が木なら 郁苍の茂みで 鸟を守ろう この身が鸟なら 精一杯羽搏き 空を粧おう この身が空なら 无尽の群青で 川を照らそう この身が川なら 静かに流れて 木を育てよう
目に生まれたなら 真実を求めよう 耳に生まれたなら 绝唱を闻こう 足に生まれたなら 远くまで行こう 両手に生まれたなら 抱きしめよう 抱きしめよう
では人间に生まれたら さて人间に生まれたら