- 废墟乐队 生命赞歌 歌词
- 废墟乐队
- 作词:周云山
太阳挂天上 The sun hangs in the heavens 时光轻流淌 Time and light flow together 你在风中摇晃 You sway in the wind 多少惆怅 with so much melancholy
生命眷顾了你 Life has visited you 还给她一个礼 You should still give her a gift 即使在灰暗里 Even in the darkness 也起舞赞美她 And dance to praise her
每一片阳光都那么爱你 Every ray of sunlight showers you with love 来我的怀里你不用哭泣 Come to my arms, don't you cry 每一片阳光都那么爱你 Every ray of sunlight showers you with love 身在她怀里般若波罗蜜 Those held in her arms, Prajnaparamita 什么都随喜 All will rejoice
这世界不完美 This world is not perfect 梦就显得珍贵 Dreams are a precious thing 用一首不悲伤的歌 Sing a joyful song 亲吻眼前大地 Kiss the ground before you
每一片阳光都那么爱你 Every ray of sunlight showers you with love 来我的怀里你不用哭泣 Come to my arms, don't you cry
每一片阳光都那么爱你 Every ray of sunlight showers you with love 哦哦哦般若波罗蜜 woah oh oh prajnaparamita(fruit of wisdom) 呜~般若波罗蜜 Prajnaparamita