- NIVIRO Seasons (NIVIRO Remix) 歌词
犹记春风拂面的同时带来了我对你无穷无尽的思念 The seasons come and go like thoughts of to you 就像夏日里咆哮的海浪袭入碧蓝的大海后归回沉湎 Like a wave returns to the sea into the blue 我们之间的无数美好回忆如同晚秋万物的盛开和凋落 They change but in a cycle that I can't lose 欢呼雀跃 抑或是痛苦万分 它们也都是我在寒冷冬日里的依托 Each painful but delightful to live through 随着季节的更迭 你走进了我的脑海
即使转瞬即逝 也足以令我难以忘怀 You came into my life just like another season 你始料未及的现身注定使我枯木逢春 Not for long just a time, just like another season 你永远会被我铭记于心 永恒不变 Maybe this time next year you'll reappear for unknown reason 时过境迁 不知多久你会再次出现 But I'll cherish every day till you come my way this season 每当我回忆起你 遇见你的那一刻就会浮现在我心间
你领着春夏秋冬闯进我的生活 Maybe this time next year you'll reappear for unknown reason 变幻无常 神秘莫测的吸引着我 But I'll cherish every day till you come my way this season 我相信会在将来的不久遇见到你
映照在我的心中的你 永恒不变 You came into my life just like another season 物是人非 我们终将而改变 Not for long just a time, just like another season 是的 我们终将如同春夏秋冬一样去继续改变 Maybe this time next year you'll reappear for unknown reason 无论春夏秋冬 But I'll cherish every day till you come my way this season 万事万物 瞬息万变
我也依然期盼着与你再续前缘 We will keep on changing all over again Yeah we will keep on changing just like another season
Just like another season
You came into my life just like another season Not for long just a time, just like another season