- 极品LSH Who's Better 歌词
- 狗丁克Godinker 极品LSH
- Tell me who's better shit
I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have a funny funny funny funny party Tell me who's better shit I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have a funny funny funny funny party That's all about it 狗丁克Godinker 我坐中间 音乐在我身边 摸索总先 才是一飞冲天 凡夫俗子嚯 抬杠努力是因为 没法忽视火 燃烧引起的注意 和我共同的兄弟伙 每天制造着冲击波 试验的地点在录音棚 丢个导弹把你打懵了huh 品味太低 太垃圾 是你们致命弱点 麻烦跳高一点 我看你不见 什么招数(都会掌握) 站在高处(船由我掌舵) 不停超速 不停超 维度在外太空 有天人们会懂 Tell me who's better shit I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have a funny funny funny funny party Tell me who's better shit I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have a funny funny funny funny party That's all about it 极品L-SHawn 大家好我叫极品 追求极致没别的目的 谢谢你好心提醒 现在起收回我的顾虑 承受了太多评价就像是被小刀雕刻 肥黑丑的少年家也在逐渐的be better 现在是零点一刻 我还在奋笔写着 “忍”因为对梦饥渴 享受着纯粹的寂寞 有太多太多太多逃不过去的挫折 不在乎在乎在乎我的人好像并不快乐 你们在讨论究竟who’s better(who's better?) 强调着自己好像很懂规则(哦你懂规则?) Hey不好意思大家不过都是过客 留下点好的东西才证明你曾经“活着” 我想要做更好的自己ye 1 life to live我会选择刺激ye 你的快消品早就失去了诗意 冠以极品之名一定做到完美至极 Tell me who's better shit I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have a funny funny funny funny party Tell me who's better shit I am the goat better man F you with a genty gesture yeah Have fun fun fun fun