- Noisettes Sometimes 歌词
- Noisettes
- I am an island underneath the setting sun
我是落日余晖下的孤岛 In an ocean that is churning 身处于恣意的汪洋 For all I know there might be nobody nearby 我知道周遭无人 Still, the world, it keeps on turning 地球运转 从不停歇
每当夕阳西下 And when that sun goes down 它在我心中却无以言喻地越来越明亮 It gets brighter in my heart somehow 我无法解答 I don't know why this is 但这正是我想要明晰的 But it's what I want to know 有时我们重新开始 Sometimes we start over 独自奔忙 And go solo 我们在寻找 We're looking for 那个宜居的夏巢 That summer home 与碧波相伴 Beside the sea 写满未来 And for the future 从我离开你的那刻起 我就是一个漂浮在高空的金色气球 Since I left you I'm a gold balloon that wanders high 无论遇到彩虹还是大雨 我都不会歌唱 I won't sing through rainbows and showers 有爱人作伴我可能不会哭泣 Taking lovers just might keep my tears at bay 但是大坝随时都会崩塌 But the dam will break at any hour 烛光里的你 By candle-light you seem 神秘莫测 To deepen in your mysteries 复杂、强大的力量不断驱使我 Confusing forces are moving me 在这些海潮中 At the tides of these seas 有时我们重新开始 Sometimes we start over 独自奔波 And go solo 我们在寻找 We're looking for 那个曾被伤害过的他 The ones we've hurt 只为求个心安 Just to forgive us 在将来的时日 In the future 有时我们重新开始 Sometimes we start over 独自奔走 And go solo 没有隐喻 No metaphors 需要从 Are needed from 这次以后 This time onwards 在这首 In this- Sooooong Sooooong Ooooooh Oooooooh Aaaaaah Aaaaaaah Ooooooh Oooooooh 每当夕阳西下 And when the sun goes down 它在我心中却无以言喻地越来越明亮 It gets brighter in my heart somehow 我无法解答 I don't know why this is 但这正是我想要明晰的 But it's what I'd like to know 有时我们重新开始 Sometimes we start over 独自奔波 And go solo 我们在寻找 We're looking for 那个曾被伤害过的他 The ones we've hurt 只为求个心安 Just to forgive us 在未来的时日 In the future 有时我们重新开始 Sometimes we start over 独自奔走 And just go solo 没有隐喻 No metaphors 需要从 Are needed from 这次以后 This time onwards 在这首歌里 In this song