- kriiq
- "What's so cool about blood anyway
“所以「Bloody」到底哪里帅气了 It's not a good thing 血不是只会让你痛吗 Insanity is not cool either 「疯狂」一点也不帅 Being crazy just means you've lost your mind 变得疯狂只代表你失去了理智而已 What do you mean by sin? 「罪孽深重」又是什么 What's so good about having sin? 有罪恶又哪里好了 And what's with chaos anyway? 「混沌」那又是什么 Chaos, it's lack of order, what about darkness 混沌 只代表失去秩序 「黑暗」又是什么 Don't you want to be able to see!? 你难道就不渴望光明吗 Why is evil better than justice? 为什么「恶」比「正义」更好 Isn't it called evil because it's wrong? 难道不是因为有错才被称为罪恶的吗 There's nothing interesting about your arm 「神之手臂」一点也不有趣 You love the feeling about not being able to control your power 自己控制不了自己的力量感觉太棒了 That just makes you sound stupid 只会让你看起来很蠢 You're a whole lot cooler!? 觉得自己这样酷多了? When you have control of yourself, you know? 能左右自己的力量才帅气吧 That's where they have respect 那样才值得尊敬吧 And there's nothing cool about you hiding your powers 「隐藏自己的力量」又有什么地方帅气了 You're just hiding from responsibility" 你这只是在逃避责任“ I'm trying to change now (aye) 我努力试着脱变 And trying is keeping your head in the clouds 但事事不容易 玩弄着你头脑 Is it too late now (aye) 踌躇着是否为时过晚 I'm spilling my sake all over the ground 酒溢出杯杓 铺满地面 Time goes by now (aye) 时光流逝 I reach for the stars they're all in the sky 漫漫星空 张开双手 捕捉繁星 I just need a time out (aye) 我只是需要些许时间 来走出阴霾 To pick up the pieces and give it a try 愈合破碎的心 重归旅途 I'm trying to change now (aye) 痴心妄想着凤凰涅磐 And trying is keeping your head in the clouds 朝乾夕惕 徒劳无益 饱经风霜 Is it too late now (aye) 悔之晚矣 无济于事 I'm spilling my sake all over the ground 酩酊大醉 心如死灰 Time goes by now (aye) 沧海桑田 I reach for the stars they're all in the sky 满天星斗 万点繁星 闪烁在手中 I just need a time out (aye) 只需稍作等候 待我摆脱浮云蔽日 To pick up the pieces and give it a try 为了缝合瓦解冰泮的躯壳 重拾光景 "I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm dumb, I don't get it! “我真笨 我真笨 我真笨 我真笨 我不明白 I never understood you and I guess I never will! 我永远不会懂你 我猜我也永远不会懂 Why do you have to treat me like this? Why!?" 只是你为什么要这样对我?为什么!”