- Xtina 世界末日REMIX 歌词
- Xtina
- my worlds torn apart aint nobody know,
my walls are crumbling down, now im letting go, im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold, im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold, now that the tables have turned you winnin so, you went and sold your soul to the devil now i know, my heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show, now with those lies im losin my mind. 这个城市没有温度 人类针锋相对彼此计较分数 只为引人关注 耳边响起人群热烈敦促 也怕我不小心会把爱辜负 如果我不得已的改变显得太过突兀 来到了全新的世界 还好坚定捱过无数压抑的日夜 我要向每个攥紧拳头 咬紧牙关 流泪的自己致谢 我亲手杀死身体里住过的恶魔 被束缚支配所以脚步总在倒退 何必非要让我变得和他一样刻薄 二十年前不请自来实属我冒昧 像一具行尸走肉把三年都荒废 没能与世界和解矛盾反而越来越尖锐 他朝我摔碎酒杯又一次喝醉 带着恨意告诉我说废物这种称谓才与我登对 ya should know 绝望是因为求生欲只比投降的念头强大了一点点 ya should know 我曾在噩梦里翻来覆去崩溃就在一转眼 重建自我前需要先经历毁灭 你应该抬起头凭什么要胆怯 即便会有代价那又能有多惨烈 我等你重拾勇气再对痛苦说声感谢 my worlds torn apart aint nobody know, my walls are crumbling down, now im letting go, im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold, im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold, now that the tables have turned you winnin so, you went and sold your soul to the devil now i know, my heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show, now with those lies im losin my mind. 当我通过表达减轻疼痛 蓄满力沉住气不敢挑战内心承重 当我发现一路的风景比从前更加生动 只是因为想活下去不是为了被谁称颂 在世界末日之后开辟全新的世纪 翻开我崭新的日历 我才不会跪在原地对着天空乞讨奇迹 因为我的神就住在我的心里 尽管来掠夺我的养分 说我与景色不相称 展露出卓越的天分 见证我变得更坚韧 如果你和我一样你就是我存在的意义 别炫耀你的伤疤就把它当作秘密 你要披荆斩棘学会独自担当 我替你黏好翅膀别再害怕摔伤 如果心脏密不透风 我为你开窗 我保佑你身处黑暗也能看到光 my worlds torn apart aint nobody know, my walls are crumbling down, now im letting go, im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold, im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold, now that the tables have turned you winnin so, you went and sold your soul to the devil now i know, my heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show, now with those lies im losin my mind.