- 獨活山 厌世男孩(prod.by Bubbleboy) 歌词
- 獨活山
- MIX:Greyll
The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me 我看不起任何人 甚至有时看不起自己 当天空开始昏沉 城市里人们自私自利 我知道我的存在就是一个错误 想要的不得握住用酒精去过度 只剩下几张挎布往着深渊堕入 一束狂花迟早有天会开到末路 特别的讨厌这世界 付出代价不惜一切 怎么可能做不大 怕袋子小了装不下 快闭嘴吧小乌鸦 天天只会来瞎辱骂 脑子里面长苦瓜 现在也只能在脚下 全部快滚吧 快滚吧 快滚吧 快滚 快滚 从不在意那些琐碎事 永远站在最高的位置 当他们都质疑我的态度 却丝毫不影响我去迈步 我知道我要走 我必须要走 沉默故木腐朽 它却信仰死守 I got money保持我的cool 每个人容忍也应该有个度 闭上眼睛是质疑我的声音 悟上我的耳朵差点偏离真心 有时候就连动物和人类都无法分清 蔓延的疾病逐渐侵蚀灵魂和身心 没得去选择要么接受贫困 或者要硬着头皮上了找个名分然后孤军奋进 有时候暴躁的我就像是一个愤青 有天它或许会离开微信 朋友圈好久也没有更新 The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me The world doesn't understand me ye The world doesn't understand me