- baibaimai Chlorophyll 歌词
- baibaimai
- 编曲 : baibaimai
我是一片树叶 I was a leaf 你曾是我的叶绿素 You’re used to be the chlorophyll in me 你令我鲜活 You made me alive 你使我完整 You made me complete 你带来了和平与美好 You brought the peace and beauty 你是我曾经依靠的那个人 You were the one that I used to lean on 之后或许会有令人心碎的事情 There will be broken hearts 但宝贝,请保持坚强 But baby, please stay strong 凋零的花瓣和粘人的叶子 Fallen petals and clingy leaves 作曲家和他们无边的幻想 Composers and their fantasies 如果你真的想见我 If you really wanna see me 你愿意只做我的叶绿素吗 Would you be my chlorophyll only 我是一片树叶 I was a leaf I was a leaf 你曾经是我的叶绿素 You’re used to be the chlorophyll in me me me 我是一片树叶 I was a leaf I was a leaf 你曾经是我的叶绿素 You’re used to be the chlorophyll in me me me 我是一片树叶 I was a leaf I was a leaf 你曾经是我的叶绿素 You’re used to be the chlorophyll in me me me 但你给我留下的(我曾是一片树叶) But all you’ve left me (I was a leaf I was a leaf ) 只是那一抹绿色了(你曾经是我的叶绿素) is the color of green (You’re used to be the chlorophyll in me me me)