- Peter Broderick And It's Alright 歌词
- Peter Broderick
- 年代:2008
七颗流星划过夜空 seven shooting stars in one night 明眸里闪耀的是粼粼波光和金黄海滩 the water and sand in our eyesight 手中的石块蓄势待发飞往远方 the rocks in our hands preparing for flight 我们彻夜未眠,但仍旧一切安好 the lack of sleeping but it's alright 那些岁月年华
那些时光倒影 and it's all 那些碌碌人海 and it's all 那些来去匆匆 and it's all 一切安好静默 and it's all 一切舒缓漫长 it's alright 七颗流星划过夜空 it's alright 明眸里闪耀的是粼粼波光和金黄海滩
手中的石块蓄势待发飞往远方 seven shooting stars in one night 我们彻夜未眠,但仍旧一切安好 the water and sand in our eyesight 那些无可奈何 the rocks in our hands preparing for flight 那些世事纷扰 the lack of sleeping but it's alright 那些扼腕叹息
所有的苦痛都烟消云散 and it's all 那些光影流年 and it's all 那些搁浅岁月 and it's all 那些依稀旧梦 and it's alright 所有的回忆都铭记于心
那些红尘陌上 and it's all 那些浮世清欢 and it's all 那些冷暖交织 and it's all 所有的柔情都魂牵梦萦 and it's alright 那些豆蔻年华
那些情窦初开 and it's all 那些山路崎岖 and it's all 那些凡间纷纷 and it's all 那些波澜不惊 and it's alright 那些历久弥香
那些天伦之乐 and it's all 那些白首相依 and it's all and it's all and it's all and it's all and it's all and it's all and it's all