- dropb The Session 歌词
- dropb
- 《The Session 》
会话家 V1: 把本子打开 Open your book 回到过去逛了一圈 Take a walk through the past 未来走了一天 Walk in the future for a day 凤毛麟角的事情 All those trivialities 先丢到一边 Just put them aside 无法改变 有些情绪已经不再新鲜You can’t change, those emotions aren’t new 调整好时间 Manage your time 加入更多实践 尝试新了的实验Try new things, experiment 在量变产生质变之前 尽快找到能源 Find the energy before quantitative becomes qualitative 将其通电 好得到应验 Electrify it, get reward from the risk 最后的成果都将变现 Final outcomes become reality 结果只是经历过程中决定的某一种An outcome is only one of life’s experiences 每个人的世界都不同 Everyone's world is different 并不那么容易懂 And it's not so easy to get 火药留的孔 金融造的缝Holes left by gunpowder, fissures of financial collapse 少数人的心里种 多数人的梦Few people’s thoughts are on the dream of the many 多数人的心事重 The many have a lot on their mind 套个公式用 找个公司用Calculate the formula, find a company to use V2: 没有宫室用 只有供使用 No palace for you, you get to rent another’s Just Love For Only One 星际穿越一半 公转自转 Halfway through the universe, rotating and orbiting 找个电钻 Looking for an electric drill 钻取燃油金钻 Drill for oil, gold and diamonds 实验室的星探 A galactic lab scout 只为在更多的领地插旗 Only to plant flags in more territory 盖茨比跟哈士奇 从东京飞到巴黎 Gatsby and the huskies flew from Tokyo to Paris 地球仪跟凳子齐 随便怎么选 Choose between a globe and a stool, whatever you like 蒙上你的眼 捂住你的脸 Cover your eyes and your face 随便怎么演 先找个指甲剪 Act any way you like, first get a nail clipper 修饰一些体面 面膜多敷几片 Tidy yourself up and don’t forget the face mask 增加一些脸面 Build up some self-respect 我想路上的风沙肯定足够大 I think the sandstorm on the road is big enough 毕竟船舱的压力增了几十万的帕 After all, cabin pressure increased by thousands of slaps 老学校的学霸在寝室盘 scratch。The top students of old shcool are in their dorms scratching 辍了学的学渣在酒吧看丝袜 The drop-out punks are watching silk stockings in the bar 我像个绘画家 画里藏着话 I’m like a painter, there’s words in my paintings 也是个会话家 话我画的画 And also a conversationalist, speaking what I draw V3: 扭螺丝的罗斯在俄罗斯要喝罗斯福九号 Ross the screw ordered a Rochefort No. 9 in Russia 你微信上的妞约出来吹牛逼要拿酒泡 Ask out that girl on your WeChat to brag and pay for drinks Choose not to return or choose not to return or the ghost in the heart 像是电音节上的dj要把每个旋钮都扭到 It's like the DJ at the electric fest has to turn every knob 我看那些mc的mv装的学的演的就像是狗叫 The MC videos I see, their fronting, barking just like dogs 你看这无聊的歌词 Look at the boring lyrics 对号入座了没 Are you in the right place? 体力透支的你希望会有人陪 You’re worn out, you want some company 听我声音猜不出我到底是谁 You can't guess who I am, only hearing my voice 我发了微信是你们选择不回 I messaged you on WeChat, you chose not to reply 选择不回 或者选择不归 还是心中有鬼 Choose not to reply or choose not to return, you’ve a guilty conscience 我做到让人幸会 接着产生敬佩 I’m a pleasure to meet, next comes awe in the heart 最后对我敬畏 拉帮结伙的把我归做另类 Finally is awe of me, gang up on me to classify me as an outlier 你太过于迂腐 所以屈服于权贵 You are too pedantic, you yield to authority 但我出拳贵 招式过于前卫 But my expensive moves are too avant-garde 你谋了权 还篡了位 我来惩你犯的罪 And thou usurped power and sat in my throne, I’m here to punish thy transgressions V4: 一是一 二是二 One is one and two is two 尘归尘 土归土 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust 他们都是纸老虎 They are all paper tigers 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 惩恶扬善 数罪并罚 Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes 一是一 二是二 Black is black, white is white 他们都是二百五 They’re all idiots 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 惩恶扬善 数罪并罚 Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes 一是一 二是二 One is one and two is two 尘归尘 土归土 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 惩恶扬善 数罪并罚 Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes 一是一 二是二 One is one and two is two 尘归尘 土归土 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust 他们都是 They’re all… 他们都是 They’re all…