- BYU Vocal Point In Christ Alone 歌词
- BYU Vocal Point
- In Christ alone, my hope is found
唯在基督中 我寻得希望 He is my light, my strength, my song 祂是我光明 颂歌和力量 This cornerstone, this solid ground 祂坚如磐石 是坚实依靠 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm 经干旱风暴 仍屹立不倒 What heights of love, what depths of peace 慈爱比天高 平安比海深 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease 当恐惧平息 当挣扎停止 My comforter, my all in all 我的安慰 我的一切 Here in the love of Christ I stand 于基督爱中 我遗世独立 There in the ground His body lay 祂的身躯 躺卧在地 Light of the world by darkness slain 黑暗之力 淹没世界之光 Then bursting forth in glorious day 于荣耀之日 划破黑暗 Up from the grave He rose again 在陵墓之上 祂再度站起 And as He stands in victory 在胜利之时 祂傲然挺立 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me 罪恶的诅咒 已将我释放 For I am His and He is mine 因为我们 属于彼此 Bought with the precious blood of Christ 因基督宝血 我得以救赎 No guilt in life, No fear in death 一生无罪 死亡无畏 This is the power of Christ in me 基督能力 承载我身 From life’s first cry to final breath 从呱呱坠地 到停止呼吸 Jesus commands my destiny 基督主宰 我的命运 No power of hell, no scheme of man 地狱势力 人间诡计 Can ever pluck me from His hand 永不使我 与主分离 Til He returns or calls me home 直到祂来 唤我回家 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand 于基督爱中 我遗世独立 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand 于基督爱中 我遗世独立