- HammerFall Any Means Necessary 歌词
- HammerFall
- I won't pull the trigger, just to see you die
我不会扣动扳机,只会目睹你死去 No remedy to make me come alive 我已无理由苟活于世
我像定时炸弹一样滴答作响,没有导火索,仅有遍地内脏血浆 I'm ticking like a time bomb, no fuse, just guts and gore 引燃核心烈焰 Initiate the burning of the core 我数到零,扣动扳机,不容犹豫
没有仁慈,没有怜悯,灵魂再无人性 I count down the zero, pull the trigger, no parole 不择手段地厮杀屠戮 No mercy, no mercy, no mercy on your soul 拼尽全力地赢得胜利
底牌尽出地苟活下去 Kill by any means necessary 毫无迟疑地光荣牺牲 Win by any means necessary 我不是审判者,不是罪人,亦非圣者 Live by any means necessary 不论是你是不是我的亲信挚友 Die by any means necessary 聚集到我身边来,感受我在你肌肤之下的气息
当我被擒住时才会锋芒毕露 I am not judgmental, a sinner nor a saint 我数到零,化身无魂恶鬼 'Cause either you're my best friend or you ain't 没有仁慈,没有怜悯,灵魂再无人性
不择手段地厮杀屠戮 Come gather here around me, feel my breath under your skin 拼尽全力地赢得胜利 I'm deadly only when I'm getting caught 底牌尽出地苟活下去
毫无迟疑地光荣牺牲 I count down the zero, I'm a soldier without soul 我生来杀戮,审判,定罪 No mercy, no mercy, no mercy on your soul 我誓要胜利,清扫,处决他们
我为战而生,为荣耀而战 Kill by any means necessary 我向死而生 Win by any means necessary 杀戮,胜利,存活,死亡 Live by any means necessary 不择手段地厮杀屠戮 Die by any means necessary 拼尽全力地赢得胜利 I am born to kill, judge and condemn 底牌尽出地苟活下去 I am born to win, slay and maim 'em 毫无迟疑地光荣牺牲 I am born to live, fight for glory 我生来杀戮,审判,定罪 I am born to die 我誓要胜利,清扫,处决他们
我为战而生,为荣耀而战 Kill, win, live, die 我向死而生
我生来杀戮,审判,定罪 Kill by any means necessary 我誓要胜利,清扫,处决他们 Win by any means necessary 我为战而生,为荣耀而战 Live by any means necessary 我注定向死而生 Die by any means necessary I am born to kill, judge and condemn I am born to win, slay and maim 'em I am born to live, fight for glory I am born to die, memento mori I am born to kill, judge and condemn I am born to win, slay and maim 'em I am born to live, fight for glory I am born to die, memento mori