- Tamas Wells Under the stands 歌词
- Tamas Wells
- We met as we planned under the stands
我们按计划在看台下面见面了 We were in line and an elderly man 当我们排着队时 Was wiping his eyes with all the surprise 一个老人又惊又喜地擦拭着他的眼泪 That came with a call, known otherwise 随之而来的是一个众所周知的电话 As apx pleton's way of letting him out 电话作为释放他的方式适时地响起了 Of colourful words paraded in shouts. 在各种各样的花言巧语中夹杂着阵阵的叫卖声 I never heard the end of the cry. 我从未听到这啜泣哭声的停止 [01:01.48][01:21.58][02:10.10][02:16.16] 我们犹豫不决地决定了 Wavering we decided to be 房间里有一张床 一个打火机 和一瓶维他命C Lighter with beds and Vitamin C 在德伯尼公园的一个黑暗的火炬 And a torch for the dark at Debony park 我行走在我熟悉的艺术之路上 Taking the road I knew by the art. 这的确是可怕的一天 It was a day for terrible things 所有的重物 所有我的事情与问题 Creeping around and over the sinks 在水池上令人悚然地爬来爬去 All the weight, and matters of mine. 这儿有生锈的死气沉沉的铁雕塑 There's sculptures of rusting iron 所有的木棒在地上排成诡异的一行 rods laid all the same in lines on the ground. 在这样的环境下 你可以顺便分辨出 年龄所体现的智慧是多么显著 [02:11.93][02:18.81]The wisdom of age, you can tell by the way 工会被教导要聚集解决他们的祸患 The unions are taught to gather their plagues 等着法老独自一人的时候 And wait til' the time when Pharaoh's alone 去寻找那个人 但结果却是一无所获 To ask for the man, with nothing to show. 在这样的环境下 你可以顺便分辨出 年龄所体现的智慧是多么显著