- Sing Sing Rabbit Green Hope 歌词
- Sing Sing Rabbit
曾经,我们生活于黑暗 Once lived in the darkness 男孩绝望的哭着 A little boy cried and hopeless 只是痴望着上帝 Always look up to heaven 渴求他与父母见面 Hope he could meet his parents 但是目光所到之处的星星 But all he could see is stars 都似乎有些远 This seems to be so far 也许现在是改变一切的时候了 May be it's time to get over 所以我离开了那里,在中途看到了你 So I left and saw you along my way 看到了起舞的你 Saw you dance 在漆黑的世界里闪闪发光 In the darkness so bright 你曾说不要担心和烦恼 You said don't need to worry don't need to cry 因为我会保护你 Cause I'll protect you 能听得到吗? Can you hear 无论何时何地,我永远相信你 I believe you anyway any day 我会始终同你一起,我的朋友 I'm here to walk with you my best friend till the end 远离那伤心之地 Fly away from where you grieve 我会向你证明旅途的精彩 I'll show you the right journey …… ... 在你迫不得已离开后,我们越走越近 After all we got so close you gotta leave 那团风暴诉说着你的匆忙 There's a storm you said you gotta hurry 你用善良救村庄于水深火热 Now you saved the village your kindness pleased 在和平的现世,也未曾歇息 Now you're in heaven rest in peace 无论何时何地,我永远相信你 I believe you anyway any day 我会始终同你一起,我的朋友 I'm here to walk with you my best friend till the end 远离那伤心之地 Fly away from where you grieve 我会向你证明旅途的精彩 I'll show you the right journey 再无恐惧 No more fear 可惜你已看不到这世界在你改变下的美好 Can't you see you make this world breathe in peace 绽放的花朵在甜蜜的微笑 The flowers bloom the smiles are sweet like harmony 可惜你已看不到在你保护下的那一抹亮绿 Can't you see we're covered by your green light 你成为了我们崭新的历史 You are our new history