- Pixies Subbacultcha 歌词
- Pixies
- This is a song about something there
这是一首关于这里发生的事情的歌 There is something about this song, eh 这里有关于这首歌的某些事情 We did the clubs what ass 我们在这家俱乐部闯祸 I was hoping to have her in the sack 我想让她被解雇 I was looking handsome 我曾经也看起来道貌岸然 She was looking like an erotic vulture 她美得摄人心魄 I was all dressed in black 我身着黑衣 She was all dressed up in black 她也如此 Everything was fine down here 所有的一切都顺风顺水 What you call it here 你想怎么说 Call it what you will here 都不为过 Way down down down in this subbacultcha 就在这家俱乐部 Her warm white belly in the life I'd lived had seen nothing finer 她有我见过的最窈窕的水蛇腰 She shakes and she moves me or something 她的一举一动让我忘乎所以 She's like jellyroll like sculpture 像果酱卷,像雕塑 I was wearing eyeliner 我带着眼线 She was wearing eyeliner 她也如此 It was so good down here 这里发生的一切都妙不可言 Saving for my scrapbook here 为我的剪贴簿添砖加瓦 Way down down down in this subbacultcha 就在这家俱乐部 Now we live on the sea and relax and ride the tack 我们在海边休息,在沙滩上驰骋 Drug running on this panamanian schooner 在这里快活 She walks the deck in a black dress 她穿着黑裙,从甲板上经过 and me I dress up in black 我也穿着黑衣 And we listen to the sea 我们听着海浪声 and look at the sky in a poetic kind of way 用诗意的眼神望着天空 What you call it 你可以随意评价当你也用诗意的眼光看着天空 when you look at the sky in a poetic kind of way You know when you grope for luna 就当你追逐月亮