- Hopsin Black Sheep 歌词
- Hopsin
- And I act like I don't give a fuck, but I do give a fuck
就好像我不会理会不会痛 但我真的在意了 And I'm trapped inside my mind, there ain't no loosenin' up 大脑的风暴快要把我转晕了 没有得到一丝放松 Maybe I'm thinkin' too much and I'm caught in my feelings 可能我想的太多了 疼痛的苦楚把我禁足 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是害群之马 丑陋吧 The black sheep (the black sheep) 我是情人眼中的一颗沙 碍眼吧 It's like the rain is fallin' on me, you don't know what I deal with 雨剑穿心 你不会知道我是怎么空手夺白刃的 I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是神失败的试验品 被遗忘 The black sheep (the black sheep) 我是世上仅存的罪恶 被正化 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? Oh, I'm the black sheep 噢呵 我原来是脏了那锅汤的老鼠屎呀
草 这个世上没有尼格存活的理由 Fuck, a nigga just don't fit in 没人愿意承认自己身上流着的黑黑的血 No one close to kin 光是抱怨自己的话我就能把笔写爆 I write about it so much, I done broke my pen 假装生活完美无缺憾的我 我觉着恶心了 And I'm so sick of pretendin' my life is dandy and flawless 被困在通往地狱的路上 只得独斗妖魔鬼怪 I'm stuck on a road to hell, fightin' demons 但我不想反抗 任凭他们拖着走过地狱 But I let 'em drag me across it 人人都开心的在我头顶上鼓掌 While everybody happily applauds it 见义勇为的告诉我为什么会被打 Tell me what caused it 那是梦露高中吗?是我上学的地方 Was it Monroe High? That's where I went to school at 所有的黑人孩子都说我被洗白了 All the black kids said I was white-washed 所有的白人孩子都说我太黑了 And the white kids said I was too black 玩滑板时 我是得到一片唏嘘的那一个 When I skateboarded, I got booed at 午饭时 我是被人倒掉食物的那一个 At lunchtime, I was who they threw food at 我很努力的想要克服它们 I was tryin' so hard to cope with it 我想夹带两把手枪在校园里奔跑 I wanted to run up on campus with two gats 一不小心 ahh~ 就让它们檫枪走火 And just (ahh) let loose 把我当白痴的人我就送他们进急诊室 Put some niggas in the E.R. for tryna treat me like a retard 未来他妈的到底在哪儿?我只看见当下 Where the fuck does my future lie? I can't see far 妈妈的小宝贝呀 他心中孕育着复仇的种子 Momma's little sweetheart, he developed an attitude 拾麦当剑 那是一条通往地狱的大道 Picked up a mic, that's a hell of an avenue 把你们一个个送进地狱 并紧随其后 寸步不离 He gon' take yo' ass to hell and then back with you 生活就是一堂课 你可以说我从没活过 Life is a class you can tell I've been absent to 强烈的怀疑亲密的包围着我 My massive doubt has got me wrapped around 它抱着我一点一点往下沉 And it drags me down a bit 我不知道要怎么挣脱 我试图唱出我的灵魂深处 I don't know how to cast it out, I try to rap profound 你可以嘲笑我的所作所为 So you could laugh about the shit 但事实上 对于你 我可要吝啬我的笑了 Truth is, yo, I never laughed 我正在寻找飞往天堂的方向 I'm lookin' for wherever Heaven's at 可怜的蛆虫 他们不会放过他的 The black sheep, they won't let him past 他们更爱聚在一起实施群体暴力 They would rather get together 将他捆绑 再利索砍下他的头 吾心也一同死去 Tie him up and then behead his ass, got me hella sad 听! Listen! 你是否觉着这个世界已经不需要你了
就好像这个世界从不需要你一样 Do you ever feel like the world is never gon' want you? 我就是 每时每刻都似曾相识悲由心生 Like the world is never gon' need you? 就好像我不会理会不会痛 但我真的在意了 I always do, every day is déjà vu for me 大脑的风暴快要把我转晕了 没有得到一丝放松
可能我想的太多了 疼痛的苦楚把我禁足 And I act like I don't give a fuck, but I do give a fuck 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? And I'm trapped inside my mind, there ain't no loosenin' up 我是害群之马 丑陋吧 Maybe I'm thinkin' too much and I'm caught in my feelings 我是情人眼中的一颗沙 碍眼吧 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 雨剑穿心 你不会知道我是怎么空手夺白刃的 I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是神失败的试验品 被遗忘 The black sheep (the black sheep) 我是世上仅存的罪恶 被正化 It's like the rain is fallin' on me, you don't know what I deal with 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 噢呵 我原来是脏了那锅汤的老鼠屎呀 The black sheep (the black sheep) 尼格脑死亡 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 尼格思路偏离轨道 Oh, I'm the black sheep 我承担损失 我负全责
没有掌声我打不出这手好牌 That nigga whose brain is off, I am that 想不起从什么时候开始 My train of thought left on Amtrak 这该死的欺凌变得如此的压倒性 我开始叛逆 I take the loss and I stand back 我痛恨我身处的一切 I can't play the cards with no hand clap 尼格之间没有一点爱 I can't recall when this damn crap 马子都婊 欢好也只有那一个洞 Became so overwhelmin' I started rebellin' 想爬出恶魔黑暗的实验室 但炼狱大门紧闭 I hate as all as I stand at 我从未离家出走 Never got no love from my niggas 我从未想过会是这个结局 No love from no hoes, came up in a hole 但愿我有一扇窗 好让我从中跳出来 Tryna climb out the Devil's dark lab, but the oven is closed 我的家人都在外面呼喊“神呐 神呐 救救他!” I don't ever leave the house much 我觉着外面的世界没人认识我 I never really thought this would be the outcome 瞅着我都觉着我有毛病 但一直没人告诉我我该怎么办? Wish I had a window I was leapin' out from 瞧见了吧 这颗冰冷的心会死的 My family is yellin', "Please, Jesus, help him!" 我不好难道我自己不知道吗? When I'm out in the real world, I feel like nobody knows me 地球怎么离得我这么远 What if this whole time I've had an issue and nobody told me? 我的手伸得够远了 但够不着 See, this cold heart isn't cozy 我应该进棺材了吗 Am I below par and I don't see? 也没人愿意拉我一把 I'm so disconnected from Earth 除非他们能手揣白银 My hands are out so far but they won't reach 疯狗们对我从不在意 Should I get in a coffin? 他们只对Hopsin贪得无厌 Not many niggas would wanna kick it with me 我表现出来这都不是事儿 Unless they would gonna benefit off it 我泪洒满面的在房间里满脑想着自杀自杀 Motherfuckers never interested in knowin' me 很酷吗?酷你妈的! They just be just itchin' for Hopsin 你是否觉着这个世界已经不需要你了 I'd be frontin' if I act like it isn't a problem 就好像这个世界从不需要你一样 I done shed tears contemplatin' my suicide in my room 我就是 每时每刻都似曾相识悲由心生 Isn't it awesome? (Fuck no!) 就好像我不会理会不会痛 但我真的在意了
大脑的风暴快要把我转晕了 没有得到一丝放松 Do you ever feel like the world is never gon' want you? 可能我想的太多了 疼痛的苦楚把我禁足 Like the world is never gon' need you? 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? I always do, every day is déjà vu for me 我是害群之马 丑陋吧
我是情人眼中的一颗沙 碍眼吧 And I act like I don't give a fuck, but I do give a fuck 雨剑穿心 你不会知道我是怎么空手夺白刃的 And I'm trapped inside my mind, there ain't no loosenin' up 我是神失败的试验品 被遗忘 Maybe I'm thinkin' too much and I'm caught in my feelings 我是世上仅存的罪恶 被正化 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 噢呵 我原来是脏了那锅汤的老鼠屎呀 The black sheep (the black sheep) 雨剑穿心 你不会知道我是怎么空手夺白刃的 It's like the rain is fallin' on me, you don't know what I deal with 我是害群之马 丑陋吧 I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是情人眼中的一颗沙 碍眼吧 The black sheep (the black sheep) 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 我是神失败的试验品 被遗忘 Oh, I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是世上仅存的罪恶 被正化 Like the rain is fallin' on me, you don't know what I deal with 雨剑穿心 你不会知道我是怎么空手夺白刃的 I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 我是不堪欺凌的孩子 The black sheep (the black sheep) 我是老师的眼中钉子 Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? 我能被接受的几率是百万分之一? I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) 噢呵 我原来是这班上的毒瘤呀 The black sheep (the black sheep) It's like the rain is fallin' on me, you don't know what I deal with I'm the black sheep (the black sheep) The black sheep (the black sheep) Are the odds of me being accepted one-in-a-million? I'm the black sheep (the black sheep)