- GUHA 致幻陷阱 歌词
- doesn't mater is allright
(无所谓无伤大雅) Ting won't happen Twice ai (同样的错误我不会犯两次) I hate the fake hate the lie (厌恶虚伪跟谎言) to treat someone like u i will never be kind (对待你这种人我永远不会笑脸相迎) xx钟意扮古惑仔劈劈劈 keep going asshole just like that (就这样继续8小笨蛋) I will not give you respect 看你臭嘴里含着bull shit 我的音乐是致幻物 你是被替代的置换物 我要把所有刻板印象全部都给颠覆 我让厌恶的人面露难色原地踏步 im in The air you hide in the NET (我一飞冲天而你害搁网络里扣字) 把你无情的摧毁然后给你吊唁 让你跪在我的面前说我不再犯贱 相信我你肯定会等到那天 I sujjest you take what you said back (我劝你收回你说的话) you know what i saying i from niuli gang don't fvck with me unless wanan feel the pain (你想作死的话可以试试) 从广州再到高明 i like kobe got 5 Champion rings doesn't mater is allright 无所谓无伤大雅 Ting won't happen Twice ai 同样的错误我不会犯两次 I hate the fake hate the lie 厌恶虚伪跟谎言 to treat someone like u i will never be kind 像你这种人就赶紧给爷爬 make that dough 不够 放兜兜 继续 散发恶臭 你永远无法达到我的level you will never ever get the sexy girl (没有美女会看得上你滴) 唔会再 听你 继续 鸠up I really want to respect you but (我真的很想尊重你但是) you look like parasite cuz (因为你跟个寄生虫一样) 可能觉得这个世界是你的 superman fly away 身上 带着翡翠 你们继续带着幻想痴醉 我会将所有困难全部统统撕碎 期待你气急败坏令我捧腹大笑 像个多余的边角料总爱带着存在感报道 有多少本事够不够看 那为什么我能让你如此忌惮 doesn't mater is allright (无所谓无伤大雅) Ting won't happen Twice ai (同样的错误我不会犯两次) I hate the fake hate the lie (厌恶虚伪跟谎言) to treat someone like u i will never be kind (给爷爬)