- Tessa Violet Bad Ideas (Lo Fi) 歌词
- Tessa Violet
- I hope that you don't think I'm rude
希望在你心里我还是位绅士 But I wanna make out with you 只是想离你再进一步 And I'm a little awkward sure 我天生一副拙嘴笨舌 But I could touch my face to yours oh 却恰好能与你两颊相贴 耳鬓厮磨 And no one ever called me smooth 我待人处事谈不上体贴温柔 But I just wanna see the grooves 可我会以最温柔的动作 Between your hands your teeth oh 与你十指紧扣 接吻相拥 Tell me do you think about me 请回答我 你对我有一点动心吗 I just wanna kiss you 只是想与你唇齿相依 And even if I miss you 就算我将你错过 At least I'll know what it's like to have held your hand oh 至少让我牵过你的手 感受过属于你的细腻温热 No-o hey Bad ideas ay oh 这些都算不上是良策 I know where they lead hey oh 后果我一清二楚 But I got too many to sleep 而脑子里一团乱麻使我难以入睡 And I can't get enough no 我总想着得寸进尺 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 Oh-oh no And if tomorrow makes me low no 要是明天心情不甚明媚 Well it'd be worth it just to know 那好,得过且过吧 'Cause I can't get enough no 我老是贪心不足 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 O-oh I don't know what compels me 不清楚是何种冲动 To do the very thing that fells me 让我丢失了初心 I wake up still high on you 不过醒来看到你 我便心花怒放 But by the night I'm crashing through so 而夜幕降临 我独自一人就临近崩溃 Why I'd wanna kiss you 那么缘何我如此迫切地想要亲吻你 Even though I miss you 就算我弄丢了你 Guess I just want to know what it would feel like oh 始终猜不透与你在一起会是何等美妙 No-o hey Bad ideas ay oh 这些都不是绝佳的主意 I know where they lead hey oh 后果我一清二楚 But I got too many to sleep 而脑子里一团乱麻使我难以入睡 And I can't get enough no 我总想着得寸进尺 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 O-oh no And if tomorrow makes me low no 要是明天心情不甚明媚 Well it'd be worth it just to know 那好,得过且过吧 'Cause I can't get enough no 我老是贪心不足 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 O-oh Smitten's a bad look on me 我从未被一见钟情的良缘眷顾 And if I'm talking honestly 而我的真心迫切想对你倾吐 It takes everything I got not to text and 竭尽全力把要发给你的消息删掉 I just want a kiss to get me through 只渴望一个轻轻的吻让我不那么难熬 'Cause now all my bed-sheets smell like you so 因为此刻床单上下都洋溢着属于你的味道 If you think you miss me 如果你想起我了 Come on back and kiss me 就回我这 给我一个简单的吻吧 I just gotta know what you and I would feel like oh 仍猜不透与你在一起会是何等美妙 No hey Yikes Bad ideas ay oh 这些都谈不上是上上策 I know where they lead hey oh 后果我一清二楚 But I got too many to sleep 而脑子里一团乱麻使我难以入睡 And I can't get enough no 我总想着得寸进尺 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 Oh-oh no And if tomorrow makes me low no 要是明天心情不甚明媚 Well it'd be worth it just to know 那好,得过且过吧 'Cause I can't get enough no-o 我老是贪心不足 I wanna kiss you standing up 奢求能踮起脚尖再吻你一次 Oh-oh