- Sunday Candy 歌词 Donnie Trumpet The Social Experiment
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- The Social Experiment Sunday Candy 歌词
- Donnie Trumpet The Social Experiment
- [Verse 1: Chance the Rapper]
【Verse1:Chance The Rapper】我可以从她的声音中听出她对我慈祥的爱意 She could say in her voice, in her way that she love me 她的眼神,她的微笑,她的皮带,她的手掌还有时不时的零花钱(Chance可以感受到祖母的爱,无论是眼神微笑慈祥的爱还是皮带手掌严厉的爱,当然哪些祖母不会给孙子孙女一点零花钱呢) With her eyes, with her smile, with her belt, with her hands, with her money 我就是祖母祷告词的中心论点 I am the thesis of her prayers 她的侄子侄女们只是其他的零零碎碎 Her nieces and her nephews are just pieces of the layers 能与我得到同样关爱的只有耶稣和泰勒(Chance表达了祖母对他与弟弟泰勒的偏爱) Only ones she love as much as me is Jesus Christ and Taylor 多亏了我的祖母让我拥有光明的前途 I got a future so I'm singing for my grandma 你也一样,但你的祖母可不是我的祖母(我们都有自己的祖母,她们都以自己独特的方式影响着我们) You singing too, but your grandma ain't my grandma 我的生活由手工煎制,平底锅翻炒,日照晒干 Mine's is hand made, pan fried, sun dried 在芝加哥南部以压倒性优势战胜恶魔(Chance将生活方式比喻为煎鸡蛋,《以压倒性优势战胜恶魔》是一部关于这些方法如何优于恶魔蛋。越来越多的人选择去教堂而不是去做贩毒等违法交易) Southside, and beat the devil by a landslide 她双手合十祈祷我的前程,她就是我的粉丝俱乐部会长,我的圣诞老人 Praying with her hands tied, president of my fan club, saying to her 我想我也应该动身与她一同前往教堂(因为这是献给祖母的歌,所以在信仰问题上Chance选择了尊重) Something told me I should bring my butt to church 【Hook:Jamila Woods】你必须缓慢地 [Hook: Jamila Woods] 将神圣的面包吃进你的身体(许多基督徒在周日庆祝圣餐礼 ,吃面包喝葡萄酒,象征着身体和血液,慢慢地吃是表达对这种与上帝联系行为的尊敬) You gotta move it slowly 我已经为此等待了整整一周 Take and eat my body like it's holy 我一直在为你祈祷,你就是我的周日糖果(在祷告日,Chance的祖母会准备一些周日糖果放于钱包内) I've been waiting for you for the whole week 你必须缓慢地 I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday candy 将神圣的面包吃进你的身体 You gotta move it slowly 我已经为此等待了整整一周 Take and eat my body like it's holy 我一直在为你祈祷,你就是我的周日糖果 I've been waiting for you for the whole week 【Bridge:Jamila Woods】快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday candy 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市(雨的警告出现在《创世纪》第六章,上帝派洪水来清除地球上的邪恶,宗教意象呼吁人们进入上帝的家,即教堂) [Bridge: Jamila Woods] 快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 Come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市 Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain 【Verse2:Chance The Rapper】我为了糖果去教堂,你的薄荷糖就是我的目标 You better come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain 每到周一我都会变得悲观,想念与你在一起的时光 Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain 你搭配的帽子和鞋子在你身上显得格外好看 [Verse 2: Chance the Rapper] 当我看到穿着教堂服装的你,我就会走向你坐在你的旁边 I come to church for the candy, your peppermints is the truth 圣诞节到你的家中吃晚餐,盘里要装上五十个面包卷 I'm pessimistic on Monday if I had tweaked and missed you 你用钱十分节俭,而我的袜子上都有洞了 You look so good with that hat on, had to match with the shoes 于是我也养成了做预算的习惯,就像我喜欢你给我充满香味的拥抱 Came and dressed in the satin, I came and sat in your pew 这是光、气、水、电、房租的味道(Chance感谢祖母对他产生的影响,即使不能总是给他买新袜子,但仍然可以提供生活必要的东西) I come to Christmas for dinner, fifty rolls on my plate 你的声音听起来像唱到疲惫的唱诗班 Hella holes in my stocking holding your pockets in place 所以我也学着你每天赞美我们的上帝(Chance的祖母是十分虔诚的基督徒,每天都要赞美上帝像一个唱诗班直到唱累,于是Chance幼时也模仿祖母跟着做) I like my love with a budget, I like my hugs with a scent 你是我的捕梦网,我的梦之队队长(捕梦网由印第安人制造,象征着好梦和祝福,祖母在Chance幼时常哄他睡觉,并且他的祖母代表了整个家庭,好比家庭的梦之队队长) You smell like light, gas, water, electricity, rent 只要一分钟见不到你,我就会小跑去教堂找你 You sound like why the gospel choir got so tired 快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 Singin his praises daily basis so I gotta try it 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市 You're my dreamcatcher, dream team, team captain 快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 Matter fact, I ain't seen you in a minute let me take my butt to church 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市 [Bridge: Jamila Woods] 你必须缓慢地 Come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain 将神圣的面包吃进你的身体 Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain 我已经为此等待了整整一周 You better come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain 我一直在为你祈祷,你就是我的周日糖果 Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain 你必须缓慢地 [Hook: Jamila Woods] 将神圣的面包吃进你的身体 You gotta move it slowly 我已经为此等待了整整一周 Take and eat my body like it's holy 我一直在为你祈祷,你就是我的周日糖果 I've been waiting for you for the whole week 你必须缓慢地 I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday candy 将神圣的面包吃进你的身体 You gotta move it slowly 我已经为此等待了整整一周 Take and eat my body like it's holy 我一直在为你祈祷,你就是我的周日糖果 I've been waiting for you for the whole week 快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday candy 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市 You gotta move it slowly 快到教堂中来,外面将要下雨 Take and eat my body like it's holy 雨即将从天国洒下,将会布满整座城市 I've been waiting for you for the whole week I've been praying for you, you're my Sunday candy [Bridge: Jamila Woods and Others] Come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain You better come on in this house, cause it's gonna rain Rain down Zion, it's gonna rain