- Joe4ever 心易碎 歌词
- Joe4ever
- It sounds like a melody here
They ? Emmm Easy ? Emmm Da da da da da da Everybody
They said that be a man so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be woman so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody
They said that be a man so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be woman so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody
故事的开头你们大都平庸务实 也固执的过于想要自己手边物质 Waohhh 这么神奇? Diamond ring 竟然可以戴满自己五指 Babi babi come and see I'm like a mermaid in sea Hhhhh Holy Holy i see 这个标签上面写着价码还有易碎 有点赔不起买不起兜里money哭着泣 笑着你看着你站在这里干着急 恨自己怨自己money和我不争气 对不起没关系结婚前再买给你
喀嚓 Take a photo With my girl 看 前面Starbucks 拉起我的手 点了三杯半小桌板 下面藏着易拉罐 快喝完我也干 你的咖啡剩一半 这个酒 好酒 喝起来像 二锅头 有 一些 颤抖 这个咖啡 太上头 诶 babi 哪走? 你在拉着 谁的手? 噢?sorry my fault 我们已经 分过手
They said that be a man so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be woman so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be CP so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody
我 Girl in the 花季 Grow with the 华丽 追我的男生都超超级滑稽 You know i mean ? 你这个穷小子还没有娶我勇气? 这花 你快拿去送你妈妈 这话 就当我是送你的吧 别怕 这一程我送你回家 别吧 我真心没送你谎话 看他 好幸福她送他回家 是啊 他们相爱这个盛夏 油画 今天就来画他们吧 但是这个男生为什么没有笑啊? Oh i don't know What's going on man Come on Don't be shy 风吹日晒 他在楼底下等待 口中哽咽 像是丢了一场爱 伞在雨中 噼里啪啦被打败 了无防备 她上了楼就在没来
They said that be a man so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be woman so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be a man so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be woman so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody They said that be CP so easy But life cheating you cheating me everybody
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