- Bryan Ferry Johnny & Mary 歌词
- Bryan Ferry
- Johnny's always running around,
Johnny总在寻寻觅觅 Trying to find certainty 想寻他命中注定 ,He needs all the world to confirm, 他要让全世界见证 That he ain't lonely, 他不再寂寞 Mary counts the walls, Mary兜兜转转 Knows he tires easily, 知晓他已觉得厌倦 Johnny thinks the world would be right, Johnny认为世界充满真理 If it could buy truth from him, 如果他可从此获取真相 Mary says he changes his mind, Mary说他神秘莫测 More than a woman, 如女人心般难以捉摸 But she made her bed, 但她依旧做好了万全准备 Even when the chance was slim, 虽然机会渺茫 Running around, 寻寻觅觅 Johnny says he's willing to learn, Johnny会为之改变 When he decides he's a fool, 当他发现自己是个傻瓜 Johnny says he'll live anywhere, Johnny会随遇而安 When he earns time, 当时间稍纵即逝 Mary combs her hair, Mary整理鬓发 Says she should be used to it, 说她已习以为常 Mary always hedges her bets, Mary孤注一掷 She never knows what to think, 她殚心积虑 She says that he still acts like he's, 可他依旧不知悔改 Being discovered, 洞若观火 Scared that he'll be caught, 他提心吊胆,惶恐不安 Without a second thought, 毫不犹豫 Running around, 寻寻觅觅 Running around, 东奔西跑 Johnny feels he's wasting his breath, Johnny察觉自己虚度了年华 Trying to talk sense to her, 可她不容分说 Mary says he's lacking a real, Mary觉得事实胜于雄辩 Sense of proportion, 事情不言而喻 So she combs her hair, 她抚着鬓发 Knows he tires easily, 深知他已觉厌倦 Johnny's always running around, Johnny总在寻寻觅觅 Trying to find certainty, 想寻他命中注定 He needs all the world to confirm, 他想让全世界见证 That he ain't lonely, 他不再寂寞 Mary counts the walls, Mary兜兜转转 Says she should be used to it, 说她已习以为常 Running around, 寻寻觅觅呀