- NEZIAH. Love. 歌词
- Let me sleep
多想安然入睡 I am tired of my grief 早已疲倦了在深夜悲伤不止 And I would like you 殷切地盼望着 To love me, to love me, to love me 你会执吾之手与吾偕老 This is the night when these woods sigh 暮霭沉沉,山林阴翳,为之叹息 Come with me 请与我同行 There are people who cannot speak 人们缄默不语 Without smiling 笑靥不再 They would take me from your hand 他们将使你我分离 Or they would try, they would try 不顾一切,放手一搏 This is the murmur of the land 广袤大地窃窃私语 This is the sound of love's marching band 爱乐之声哀转久绝 And how they hold you like a gun 敌人如握枪炮般对你 And how I sing you like a song 而我将你吟咏成歌 I heard when I was young 少时听闻 And buried for a night like this 不如埋葬这般凄神寒骨的夜晚 Buried for a night like this 葬入悄怆幽邃的地府