- BENXNI Apple Pay 歌词
- Nazz Lil Yan BENXNI
- Lil Yan:
I been in the grinding know I never stop I been in the hurry I got paid a lot 看我闪电漂移就像double ace 让我帮你处理问题刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我帮你买下世界刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我给你意外惊喜刷我apple pay 看到red money 塞进我钱包 它让我前进 你们别去怀疑 好奇心害了多少条圣明 说我女友bad and boujee 送给她不同的LV 想要我身体 baby我劝你还是先努力 快快的努力 让我在高速上超你的马力 你先别生气 再看看我folder里不同的发明 说谎的是你 整容前样子非常的神奇 我还在这里 对你的阐述我感到了好奇 Oh my god I’m not just fear of god I’m just low key realize your lovely girlfriend is a thot She be loving give me top Sloppy toppy on the spot I be low key missing that … when she not on spot What u mean? What u mean? Say u wanna be with me start a family What u mean? What u mean? There just too many supporter u can’t touch on me Nazz: 现在立刻马上打开我iphone里的apple pay 妒忌心是你最大的问题 因为身价没我贵 Gucci的墨镜 Goyard的项链 缺一不可我身上 当然watch会叮咚因为我刚刚用表刷了 *****! What? 靠我那么近干什么 *****! What? 坏主意劝你不要打 *****! What? 活得太帅like drama *****! What? Sorry我不是你的type 出门不会带钱包毕竟我活得太高调 手机是我支柱 也可支付 有无限的钞票 他们全部都有问题 我不如在地狱里凋零 该是我的东西我总会拿到because因果效应 Apple pay超やべえ … like俺たちyahh Cash onlyの時代はもう終わりhuh そうだな俺たちもそう 過去より今だろう くそみたいなおっさんにはもちろん … say no Lil Yan: I been in the grinding know I never stop I been in the hurry I got paid a lot 看我闪电漂移就像double ace 让我帮你处理问题刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我帮你买下世界刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我给你意外惊喜刷我apple pay benxni: うるせえよapple payで俺にpay pay ありのままの俺たちまるでMay J Pull up on you just like super smash bros melee どの口が叩く俺らに命令 Yanが中国、戻る前に注目 だって俺が習得したフローは有毒 誰もがなる中毒 俺にくれよ10億 ラップしたの16 俺の進化は急速 You know? skrr skrr Samurai kid with a lightsaber Freddy Krueger be ready to get your body … 来るならば迎え撃つ あの世に送る南無阿弥陀仏 Imma teach you lessons like a guru I'll teach you how to seppuku I might be able to help you Cosplaying episode 3 Dooku 金くれgive me money 黙って俺にapple pay apple pay Lil Yan: I been in the grinding know I never stop I been in the hurry I got paid a lot 看我闪电漂移就像double ace 让我帮你处理问题刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我帮你买下世界刷我apple pay Apple pay Apple pay 让我给你意外惊喜刷我apple pay